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Ezra's POV


What is honesty?

Honesty is when someone isn't lying. They aren't wearing a mask, they are showing their true selves.

Not everyone is honest. Sometimes I like when people aren't honest, because I'd rather not know the truth. I'd rather it stays a lie till the grave.

But I also hate is when someone isn't honest. Why would you wear a mask then the second you get home, you rip the mask right out of your face.

I cant say much. I'm not always honest either.

I hate when I lie. I hate hiding the truth. It kills me in the guts.

But I dont mind not being honest with most people. Except for her.

I've broken my promise I made with her. I promised to not get drunk, to not do drugs.

I failed miserably at that promise. I've broken lots of promises before and i forgot about it the next day, but breaking hers kills me.

I swear, I've tried. I tried not to, but its so difficult. I hate it when no one understands me.

I didn't mean to.

I went to a party, just to check it out. I got offered a cup of what was supposed to be water. It wasn't.

I drank more and more, till I got drunk. And when you're drunk, you do drugs. You don't think.

Its 2AM.

I'm stumbling across the football field, kicking the small cones.

"Gummy bears." I whisper.

I want gummy bears.

Those little small bears. They're so irritating. I once saw them have sex. Gummy bears have sex.

Because isn't there some gummy bears that are two different colours? Well, how? Because two people, each of the colour fuck. Then they give birth to one with both of their colours.

I run across the field, screaming loudly.

I fall down on the grass and lay down. I look up at the stars and start crying. I start sobbing.

The 3 musketeers.

Howdy. Hello. Hi. Hey.

I miss mother. I miss father. I miss Azora.


Shes so pretty. So, so beautiful. I really like her. I've liked her since I was a baby.

Shes so beautiful it hurts my eyes.


"I- I am Shakespeare!"

"Mr Teddy Bear has ran away deep, deep into the woods with Mrs Teddy Bear. Mr Teddy Bear murders Mrs Teddy Bear! Oh no! Mrs Teddy Bear dies. Dead."

I shuffle with my phone and dial pretty girl's number.

She answers in a tired voice. "Hello?"

"Azzyy! Hiiii! Helloooo! Goodnight! I miss you. Do you miss me? I want to see you."

"Ezra? Are you drunk?" She asks.

"Azzyyyyyy. I miss you."

"Where are you?" She asks

"I'm sorry I broke your promise. I tried, I promise. I couldn't do it. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Please forgive me."

"Ezra, please tell me where you are?"

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