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Azora's POV

The car comes to a stop. I try to look outside but its tinted from inside and outside.

Lea tells me to close my eyes and someone grabs my waist. I instantly recognise it as Ezra because of his scent.

I stumble out of the car because of me being blind as well as me being in heels.

"Open." He mutters.

I open my eyes and gasp.

I look around at the building. There's a fountain infront of me, and a wall with 'Long Beach Resort' displayed in gold.

"Welcome to Long Beach Resort." Theo howls.

"Oh my god." I breathe.

"Bet you've got a lot of questions, huh?" Miles asks.

I nod. "Tons."

"Ask ahead." Theo says.

"Where are we?"

"Well, princess, we're at Long Beach, a 5 star resort in New York." Theo says.

"Are we staying here?"

"Yes, we sure are. Your bags are packed, the girls did it." Tony answers.

"What are we doing here?"

"Thats the dumbest question I've ever heard." Ezra mumbles.

"Bro, shut up. We're here to celebrate your birthday." Elliot says.

I grin. "Oh my god, thank you. Who's paying-"

"Shut the fuck up. It doesn't matter." Ezra says.

"It does. I'll pay as well-"

"No, you're not. We all chipped in. This is your birthday, okay? Just have fun." Nio says.

I nod. "Thank you guys so much. I couldn't ask for anything better."

"Damn right you couldn't." Theo mutters.

"Now let's go check in!" Miles says.

We walk to the lobby and we sit on the leather couches, cocktails in our hands as the guys talk to the receptionist.

Theo walks to me. "Azzy, you want an individual room or wanna share one with Mr Handsome?"

"I don't mind sharing with Ezra." I say.

He nods. "Sounds like you two will be having fun tonight. Lea and Adel, you both sharing?"

The two girls nod.


They walk back and hands us our key cards. We wait for the guys to drink their cocktails before we head to our rooms.

"Meet back here at 8." Theo says.

We nod and I walk to our room. Ad we enter, im greeted with a wooden table with a mirror on top of it, a wall behind it.

The brown parquet makes a noise as my heels walk over it.

Behind the wall, there's a living room with a kitchen. Then, there's a tall wooden door with a king size bed.

The bed is draped over a white sheet and blankets with dark blue decorative pillows.

There's a full body mirror, two bed side tables with lamps. A couch, a table with a TV.

A mini fridge with drinks inside.

There's another wooden door, a modern bathroom behind it. It consists of a shower, a bathtub, two sinks and a toilet.

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