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☆E Z R A☆

See, this is why I want to head to school as soon as possible.

Staying with my father has been a nightmare.

Its like I'm a fucking full time babysitter. 

I wonder what they do when I'm not here.

I have to wake up in the middle of night since Eden cries, and Elliot goes out every single night.

I do the same, but for once, take care of Eden.

I'm not looking forward to going back to college, though I am looking forward to never coming back here again.

The day I got into NYU, it was the day after my birthday.

The first few months of college were okay, and it still is.

Now summer is gone so I have to head back.

Todays is Wednesday, and I came back here on Saturday from the hotel.

I miss it. I miss everything that happened, even if it wasn't great.

I dont think we're meeting up again for a few others months. I'm kinda dreading it.

I'm really exhausted too.

I didn't sleep all night. I came back to the house at around 2AM from a party and the second I stepped foot inside, dad  shoved Eden in my hands and I had to babysit all night.

I'm also mentally destroyed. The thought of going back to the daily routine at school makes me sick.

Wake up, class, football, party.

It sounds boring and maybe fun, but it still makes me annoyed. It really fucking bugs.

Doing the same thing over and over again everyday makes me want to shoot myself in the head.

I just came back, its 12AM.

I'm back early today, id usually be back around 3.

Luckily, Eden is asleep but I dont miss the moaning and banging from my dad's room.

I tried to fall asleep, but failed miserably.

Why does he need to fuck at 12?

I groan, get up and throw a sweatshirt over my head, grab my phone and cigarettes and walk out of my room.

I walk out of the house and go to the huge garden we have for some reason.

The house is huge. Its old, really old. It was my grandfather's.

I walk to the bench and sit down and stare at the water fountain, watching as water falls down.

I find Elliot walking towards me.

"Jesus fuck, im ready to move out." He mutters, sitting next to me.

"You should." I mumble.

I'm not going to be here soon, so Elliot will be stuck with Eden, and im worried.

"I would, but one, I'm 16, and two, Eden." He mumbles.

"Where even is Heather?" I ask, taking out the cigarettes.

"No idea. I found her on Instagram last month, in Germany. Apparently, she's got a new husband now and a kid." He says.

"Really? She should come take Eden. She's being punished for nothing." I mumble.

"Yeah, you think I should call her or something?" He asks.

"Try texting instead." I say.

"Guess i could, anyways im going back, they probably should've stopped by now." He says and stands up.

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