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Ezra's POV

25th of September. So, 2 weeks exactly till the match.

Guess where I'm at? Yeah, practice.

"I want to shoot myself in the head 11 times." Theo grumbles.


"Alright, that's it for today. I'll meet you all tomorrow at 7!" Coach yells.

"You're so funny, coach!" Miles yells.

Coach frowns. "Did i say something funny?"

"Yeah, you said practice tomorrow night. Did you forget what you said? You're becoming very old." Tony says.

"Yeah, time to retire." I mutter.

"Shut up. What's so funny?" Coach asks.

"Old man. There's absolutely no way that there isn't practice tomorrow morning." Theo answers.

"You guys are kids. No practice tomorrow morning, we'll meet in the evening."

"Are you sick? Do you have to go to the hospital? Is that why there's no practice?" Miles asks.

Tony gasps. "Coach...are you pregnant? Who's the mom?"

"You know what, im not doing this. Ill see you all tomorrow." Coach mutters before walking away.

"He's definitely pregnant." Julian says.

"Yeah." Samuel says, nodding.

I go to the locker room and shower. I walk out in sweatpants and sweatshirt.

I walk out and find Azora sitting on the bleachers, scrolling through her phone.

She looks up and smiles. "Hello."

I smile. "Hi, baby."

She stands up. "How was practice?"

I nod. "Good. Coach said no practice tomorrow morning."

"Thats good. You all deserve a break." She says.

I grab my bag. "What are you doing here?"

She shrugs. "I was bored."

Its 10PM right now, so I'm exhausted.

We walk towards my dorm.

Its unusual for me to be tired at 10, id usually stay up all night. But since I've been awake since 5AM, I'm tired.

I open the door to my apartment and throw off the sweatshirt and get in bed.

Azora takes off her hoodie and shoes. She closes the curtains and windows and gets in bed with me.

I wrap my arm around her waist and pull her closer to me. She runs her hand through my hair while I nuzzle my head  in her neck.


"Howdy!" Theo yells.

I hit my head on the table.

Kill me.

"I was really hoping I wouldn't have to see you today." I mutter.

"We live together." He mutters.

I blink. "Your point?"

"Bro, kill yourself." He mutters.

Miles walks in.

"Oh, great. Had to see you too." I say.

"We live together." Miles answers.

"Thats what I told him." Theo mutters.

I'm in the living room trying to watch my dad talk in an interview. Its weird, I know.

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