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☆ E Z R A☆

Those words she said broke my fucking heart so much. Its a part of my heart that'll never be fixed.

You never realise how much someone truly means to you until they're gone.

I never took Azora for granted. Losing her meant losing a part of me too.

Her being with me meant keeping me stronger but now that she's gone, what is strong?

Without her im nothing.

"Bro, open the door!" Theo yells for the third time today.

Its been two weeks since we broke up and I haven't gone out.

Not at all. I cant get out, im scared that ill see her.

Seeing her face meant my heart breaking all over again.

I sigh and open the door.

"Hi." He says.

"What the fuck do you want?" I snap, glaring at him.

He doesn't seem to mind my tone. "We're going to Greece and France, I told you. Pack your shit, we leave tomorrow night."

"I'm not going." I mutter.

"Come on, Ezra. You've already bought tickets. This is a chance to forget about everything and have fun. Azora is coming too, come on, man." He begs.



"Good, pack your shit. We're going to take the jet and we'll fly out to France first and stay for three days, then Greece for two weeks. We might even hit Italy." He says.

I nod and kick him out.

I take out a suitcase and shove all my shit in it and 1 and a half hour later, im done.

I close my eyes and slam on my bed.


The next day at around 8PM, I decide to get up from bed. Yes, that's what I've been doing all day.

I take a shower and throw in a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt and i walk out.

Theo nods. "Oh, hey. You're just in time, i was about to drag you out. The taxi is waiting, let's go."

I nod and roll the suitcase outside.

We stop infront of a van and shove our things in the car.

I turn around and freeze when i see Azora.

I clench my jaw and look away. I can't fucking do this.

"Alright, get inside. We've got a long way ahead of us." Theo says.

I get in the back completely and lucky me, Azora sits next to me.

My breath hitches as her shoulder brushes against mine.

I look out the window. This 'van' is quite fancy.

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