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☆ E Z R A☆

Its the 31st of October. Yay.

Note the sarcasm.

Anyways, its Halloween today. I've got a love- hate relationship for it.

This is my first Halloween in college. I'm curious to see how it goes around here.

During high school, my friends and I, we'd go to school since it used to do some events. It wasn't that fun, but we'd check it out for candy.

Then we'd walk around the neighbourhoods, scaring people. After, we'd go to a party and get wasted. Those Halloween parties when hard. Everyone dressed up that night. You'd hook up with someone but you'd never know with who because everyone wore face masks.

The costumes were all out.

It was a tradition, we've been doing it since freshmen high school.

Now, I've heard college is so much better.

Brandon who's been in here a year longer than me told me that they set up a carnival in campus.

Everyone goes there. You'd get alcohol, drugs and more from there. Its main purpose is to scare people though.

Then there's a few parties around.

But the group already has it all planned. We plan on checking out the carnival at around 6 to 7PM, then we'd go find a party.

I wasn't planning on dressing up, but someone forced me to.

Azora did.

But anything to see her happy so here I am, with Azalea and Azora drawing I think on my face?

Azora and I are doing a matching costume.

Basically, it's like a skeleton shit. They draw a skeleton with black something on my face and hands.

After they're done, I look in the mirror and nod. "Thanks."

I kiss Azora on the head and head back to my dorm.

Azalea is the makeup artist for us. She's doing everyone's makeup and dressing everyone up.

She's always been interested in fashion as Azora told me, so she loves doing it.

But for 50 bucks. I paid since Azora forced me to but she didn't have to pay since Lea and Azzy are best friends.

I open the dorm door and watch as Theo scrolls through his phone.

He looks up and gasps. "Holy fucking shit. You look hot."

I scrunch my face. Fucking weirdo.

He's the joker. Except he's a 'hot' one, as he said.

His face is painted white with the other small details.

"Its 4.30! Go get dressed." He says.

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