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☆A Z O R A☆

I've never been a fan of moving.

It hurts, to leave the place you've made so many memories.

But right now, I'm not exactly moving. Well I am, just not from a place I've made memories.

I'm going away to college, right now. I've packed everything and they're shoved in Nio's car.

Obviously, not everything is going to fit in his car, there's three people's stuff to move.

That's why dad hired a moving truck.

A large one too.

Im excited to start something new. I just hope its a good new.

Things have changed since I've been in New York. I didn't expect any of this back in France, but its for the best.

Mom and Dad have already divorced. They've went to court and signed papers and stuff.

Of course, we're still a family. Just because they divorced, doesn't mean we won't meet up together again.

I made everyone swear to meet up for dinner once a month.

Dad decided to sell the house he just bought, and buy a penthouse for himself, whereas mom bought a small, fancy house for her.

We talked about everything. How nothing changes, and that both parents are allowed to see other people. How mom and dad aren't allowed to kiss or any sort of stuff.

I smile and hug my parents, before getting in the car.

We're driving by ourselves, we wanted to have some 'sister- brothers time'. I didn't, mom thought so.

I head in the back and plug my earphones in and look out the window.

"Lets play 'I spy with my eyes'!" Tony yells.

This is about to be a long ride


What was supposed to be a 2 and a half hour drive turned out to be a 5 hour drive.

Why? Well let's see.

Nio and Tony had to go to the bathroom 5 times, then they were starving, several times.

There was a lot of traffic, then Nio took the wrong road, so we had to drive back and on our way back, more traffic.

We're finally here though, and im exhausted.

Its 10PM.

My legs are sore from sitting so much, and im hungry.

The moving truck is coming tomorrow, thank god.

For now I only have some clothes with me.

"Alright, let's go to the dorm." Nio says.

I take my suitcase out of the trunk and we roll it inside the tall building.

Nio signs in and we walk in the elevator and then we find our room.

I open in and nod in approval. This place is huge and beautiful.

Floor to ceiling windows everywhere, with the view of New York. Tall buildings, light illuminating in the dark.

We're going to live on the 10th floor, so its a nice view.

Everything is black and white, all modern.

Brown wooden floors.

The only thing we need to do is decorate it and fill it up.

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