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"Wait wait wait so you're telling me you're in a gang basically by default because of your dad and older brother? They won't let you leave instead they made you a partner in a drug run, drugs were stolen while everyone was away from the car so they put it on you? And you have to pay your boss 50g's or you die? And then yesterday they took you to the woods where we used to play, were going to possibly kill you but Ana stepped in and now you have to kill her per your dads orders?"


"Jesus christ dude," Chase leans back in the seat, "what are you gonna do?"

"I have to get rid of this," I pull the gun out.

"Woah woah what the fuck!" he yells looking around, "what the hell did you bring that to school for?"

"Oh relax I know how to use it," I shake my head and set it back down, "but I have to get rid of it. I have to make them think she's dead or something. I can't risk her getting in trouble and dude, I don't have the heart to kill someone. Especially her. I mean she probably saved my life there."

"How long do you have to do it?"

"By next weekend," I sigh, "I-I don't know what I'm going to do."

"You have to tell her."

"What? No," I shake my head, "no. I can't."

"Dude she kinda needs to know. Wait... you like her."

"Not like that."

"Yes you do," he starts to laugh, "you like her. You feel something with her."


"Stop lying, Matt. It's okay to feel shit man. You haven't ever so like, it's your time to shine you know."

"Shut up," I laugh, "just-shut up. So what if I do."

"Then I think you should just tell her," he shrugs, "I mean what's the worst she can say? No? I doubt it."

"As for the gun, you should just throw it in the river or something at night. Make sure all your prints are off, you just wipe it with a towel. Throw it in, it'll be gone."

"How the hell do I convince him I did it though? Dude the boss, I don't even know his name, my dad doesn't know his name and he's been in it since he was a kid. But I know he's ruthless. He'll kill her. He'll kill her friend. Her mom. I can't let that happen."

It's silent between us for a few moments but he soon speaks, "I don't know. I don't know how to fake that. I mean... you can't. He has people that know who she is, I'm sure they'll be able to find where she lives. You can't fake it. You have to stand up to him or something."

"Stand up to him? I'm a dead man if I do that-"

"No. Your dad. He's the one telling you to do this-"

"Yeah because it's my mess."

"Why the hell are you defending him dude?" Chase is a bit angrier now, "you just told me he's been beating you since you were a kid. He's forced you into this gang. Stop defending him! He's a shit person. I've always thought that, we've always said it. We've been friends for years and you're just now telling me about this? Why haven't you told me, Matt? I could have helped you. He always let you stay over-"

"I know, that's why I was over as much as I was," I sigh, "I'm sorry. I just- I was scared. I didn't want it to come back on you. It's a lot of shit to have to hold in, we were kids. I couldn't risk it. I'm sorry but I was protecting you, at least that's what I felt I was doing. The same reason I didn't want her to know about it but she found us in the woods and it just happened. I didn't tell her who they were or anything, just that they're bad people."

"You don't defend him anymore. Your dad? He's a piece of shit, Matt. So is your fucking brother. I've never liked Jack but your dad, he can put on a show. But seriously, fuck them. They have no say over you."

"I'm 17, they have a say until I'm 18," I shake my head, "I can't leave until I'm 18. And even then, they'll find me."

"Bargain the 50 grand for getting out."

"I'll be dead right there and they'll have the money."

"Over the phone. Then you have the money and you withhold it from them until you get the okay to leave. You can just stay with me after that. You know my parents have a soft spot for you man. You're my brother, to them and to me. We got you. Regardless, we need to tell somebody cause we need to get that money asap."

"I'm not telling anybody and how the hell are we gonna get that? Do you know anybody?"

He sits back and a smile appears, "I think I might."

"What? Seriously?"

"Dude my grandma is like stupid rich," he looks at me with excitement in his eyes, "I uhm- I'll just tell her it's for college or something-"

"No. I'm not letting you lie to your grandma."

My phone vibrates, I look down to see her name on my screen. I feel the smile slowly form on my lips.

Ana: Yeah I'm at school, sorry some stuff happened and I didn't really have time to get on my phone. What's up?

The smile goes away.

Me: What happened?

Ana: This new kid started school I guess today and he was non-stop being an asshole to me. He kept asking me about you and about other stuff. Idk it was probably nothing. I've just ignored it. What did you want to talk about? 

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