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Me and Jada are on the way back to the hospital. When we get there I hop in my car and we talk to each other on the phone. We decide we're going to run by Chases and talk to him, maybe he'll be able to help us.

"So you know where he is then?"

"Well I mean he did say he rescued me from there. I can only assume it's two places and the one WE were at, it's what my gut says," I turn down the street and see Chase's car. I gasp and pull over. Jada does the same. I get out and start to run towards the car. It flipped over on its top. All the windows are broken. I'm terrified to see what's inside. Police cars, firefighters, and ambulances surround us.

"Chase!" Jada runs by me, "Chase!" One of the officers looked up and put their hands up trying to stop us. "That's my boyfriend!" She screamed at him, "get off of me!" She pushed the cop away, luckily he just let it happen.

They have him on a gurney, an oxygen mask covering his face. Glass sticks to his skin like velcro and his blood covers him. His clothes are torn, holes in his shirt and pants.

"Chase?" she grabs his hand, "I'm here-"

"You have to get back," a woman pushes her hand back. It's clear she's part of the EMS team, "push two more rounds..." I look back at Jada who is bawling, shaking from fear.

"What's going on?" she asks, "What- what's wrong?" There's a long beep.

"We're losing him!" the woman yells a bit louder, "get the paddles! Charge to 200!"

I wrap my arms around Jada and she buries her face in my shoulder. I turn her away but watch as they deliver the shock to his body. His heart beats again.

"Stabilizing!" the woman yells, "we need to get going now! Right now!"

"Come on," I pull Jada away, "we-"

"What are you doing?" She stops and pushes me back.

"We can meet them there, come on!" I yell a bit louder, "we'll meet them at the hospital!" She stands still for a second before nodding and rushing to her car. "I-I-I have to find a way to get to Matt," I tell her, "just go, I'll call you okay?" She nods her head and speeds off. Everything tells me she didn't listen. I can't blame her. And every part of me wants to be with her but I know Matt can't be in much better shape.

I grab my phone out and search the nearest Elm Avenue around us. There's only one... which tells me he's there. Should I call the police? I mean I can't take them all on by myself, right? Unless... if I can find a gun... I have to go to Chases.

I hop in my car and turn it back on before speeding away towards Chases. When I get there I see his mom is home. I wonder if she knows? No way... she wouldn't be here if she did. I pull into the driveway, right next to her car and rush to the door. I knock repeatedly and I don't stop till she opens.

"Okay okay who-- Ana? What-"

"Chase- Chase got in an accident- he-he-"

"What?" she spins around and grabs her keys to walk out, "is-is he okay? Where is he? What happened?"

"I-I don't know," I shake my head, "he-he-he's going to the hospital right now-- and-and Matt--he-he's gone!" The tears fell from my eyes. I've tried to hold them back but it's no use. "They-they took him," I cough through, "what- what do I do? What do I do?"

She stares at me for a second before pulling me inside, "just-- stay here. Stay here, alright? Don't go anywhere or do anything. Just stay put. I'll be back and we will figure it out. Okay?" She rushes out before I can say anything. That's too long. What if Matt doesn't have that long? What if it's already too late? I have to call the cops. I dial 911 into my phone and press it to my ears before having to select emergency or non-emergency.

"911 what is your emergency?" 

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