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The entire day has taken me by surprise. Chase broke me out of that hospital and on the way to his house we were ambushed. I'm sure his vehicle is totaled. Can't be positive though, it all happened so fast. We were crossing a four-way intersection. Our light had just turned green and no one was around that we saw so we went. And then BOOM just like that a car came from the passenger side and just smoked the door. The car rolled and within seconds of stopping there was a black cloth put over my face and I was dragged from the car. We were put into another vehicle. I tried talking to Chase but he wasn't answering me. I don't know his condition, I just hope he's alive. I hope they didn't leave him there but at the same time, is there better than here?

We eventually stopped and I was pulled up a set of stairs and into a house. The smell... I know I've smelt it before but what? When? I'm taken down a flight of stairs and when I feel the rocky floor, smell the moldy musk, I know where I am. I'm exactly where Ana and Jada were. Off Elm avenue.

My phone is in my back pocket. I can't believe they didn't take it. I just have to be able to get it or-or talk to it somehow. Hopefully Siri will work. God that thing is such a life saver.

I'm taken to a room where my hands are put in chains and lifted up. My feet barely touch the ground. Trust me, it hurts. My body feels like it wants to shut down. But I know I can't. So I won't. The door shuts.

"Hell-hello?" I whisper. I hear nothing. "Hey siri--" I wait.


"Call Jada," I whisper again. I listen for the ring but the door opens again. I move my hands around, acting as if I'm trying to get out of the chains. I do this so no one can hear her if she answers the phone.

He grabs a fistful of hair and yanks my head back, "You think you can just get out of this? Your fucking father has been here since he was a kid. You should know better! Which means you should know the consequences of your actions." I suddenly felt a hard smack. It felt like a baseball bat or a paddle of some sort. It hurts. I can't help but clench my jaw and groan under my breath from the pain. He continues to hit me.

"You know this place, yeah?" Raj asks, "Well you do because you've been here many many times my friend."

"I'm not your friend," I breathe out harshly, "and yeah, I know exactly where we are because I just broke Ana out." I readjust my wrists, wrapping the chain around them once more to relieve some of the pressure already there. He hits me in the ribcage and I let out a painful cry. I tried to hold it in but I couldn't. It felt like bones broke.

"Oh," the man laughs, "no? Maybe you should reconsider." He begins to hit me again. Tears gather in my eyes. The feeling of this is almost unbearable. "Where's the money? And that bitch of yours? The boss wants them back."

"You-you can have the money," I start to shake my head, "but Ana? No. You leave her alone. She stays out of this."

"She's part of it now and until she's here, you're here."

"No, that was never part of it," I cough, "she-she isn't gonna be in here. I have the money but I'm not giving it till I know either we or she is safe from this."

"I don't think you're in the position to negotiate."

"Yeah maybe not but you won't find that money unless I'm alive. So how about that negotiation?"

There's silence and for a moment I can catch my breath. I wish I could see what's going on. I can't see shit.

"Where's Chase?" I asked him, "where is he?"

"Oh your friend? The one that was also in the car? He's not here."

"What- what do you mean?"

"We didn't want him. We wanted you. Now he got very hurt because of you, don't worry, we called the police. Anonymously. Hey do you remember our little fight outside last month?" I swallow and my heart sinks. Suddenly I hear the cock of a gun and I squeeze my eyes shut. The barrel touches my forehead. "I should have killed you right then and there," he growls, "but I can't do that till I've got the fucking money from you. So tell me where it is."

"Promise me that Ana is out of this," I say sternly, "and fucking take me out of this shit! Raj you fucking know me man. What the fuck."

"I knew you when you were loyal-"

"I never wanted this," I snap, "I was never loyal to this-" I feel a hard hit to my ribs again and a sharp piercing pain to my head. He hit me with the gun.. One that knocks the air out of my lungs.

"You're a fool."

"Do you want the money or not?" Another moment of silence. I get ready for the hit but it doesn't come. Instead I hear the door open and close. I ask to make sure, "hell-hello? Is anyone there?" Nothing. Silence. "Ana? Are-are you there?" Please tell me she heard the part about being off Elm. That's all she needs to know so she can call the police and get them here.

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