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I'm just now being released from the emergency room in the hospital. Luckily he came up with a story so no cops were involved. I have what feels like hundreds of stitches that will need to be taken out but Matt is certain he can do that. The doctor showed him how to.

It's nearly 1am. We've been in the hospital for at least 2 hours. I had X-rays done which thankfully nothing came back broken, lots of cleanings, I was made to drink lots of fluids, ice packs for bruising and swelling. They told me to take it easy for a few days, just get rest.

I'm not sure what Matt told them but I know they didn't talk to me or ask me for my side. I'm okay with that though, I wouldn't have known what to say. Tattling could get us in more trouble.

"Okay love," he opens the door, "let's get out of here." He helps me into the car and I sit down slowly. I have bandages wrapped around my entire stomach, back and chest. This way I don't rub the stitches or tear any. He hops in the front seat, "you doing okay?"

"Better," I stare at him, "tired but I'm okay." He gently brushes my cheek with his thumb and leans towards me. A kiss is planted on my forehead. I can't help but smile.

"I love you and I'm sorry. I know you're probably shaken up," he whispers, "I'm so sorry." I can see the pain in his eyes.

I shake my head, "it isn't your fault-"

"Yes it is," he stops me, "yes it is, Ana. It's my fault. All of it. This is all because of me."

"No this is because of them," I say, "this is because of everyone else that associated themselves with that fucking gang. It isn't because of you, Matt. I promise you." He looks at me for a few seconds and I grab his hand in mine. "It's not you," I shake my head, "babe I swear. I don't think that, I don't believe it. Never. I love you."

A very small smile creeps between his lips but when he clears his throat it goes away. We drive back to Chases and he parks the car in the driveway.

"His mom's home?" I ask. I feel a pit in my stomach.

He nods, "it's okay though. Just try to be quiet." I watch as he pulls out his phone, dials a number and presses it to his ear. "Hey man," he speaks quietly, "we're outside." I can hear Chase talking but can't understand. "Yeah, yeah she's okay," Matt says looking over at me, "can you unlock the door?" Matt hangs up and gets out, slowly shutting the door and hip checking it to lock it. He runs over to my side and opens it, helping me out and shutting it. "Ready?" He asks. I nod.

He helps me walk up to the front door and Chase opens it up, "woah you look-"

"Like shit? Thanks," I laugh a bit, "I know."

"No-no that's not--My moms sleeping upstairs so we're gonna have to be quiet," he explains, "go to Mary's room. Don't come out of there until you hear me knock in the morning."

"Where- where's Jada?" I ask.

"She finally fell asleep about an hour ago," he explains, "she's okay. She knows you're okay. It calmed her down."

I take a deep breath, relieved. Matt helps me up the stairs. By far the hardest part. We walk into his sister's room and he helps me to the bed.

"Easy," he whispers, "there you go. Do you need anything? Any water or?"

"No. No, I'm okay. Thank you." He nods and looks around before grabbing the extra pillows and tossing them on the floor. "Matt," I whisper.

He stops and looks at me, "yeah?"

"Can- well- do you think you could- could you maybe lay down here for a while? With me?"

He looks like a deer in headlights, "you sure?" I can tell he's nervous. I can't help but remember our last conversation about how he felt. He simply said last time it was too small for the both of us but something told me otherwise.

"Please," I reach out my hand. He chuckles a bit and walks over to me, climbing in bed next to me. I inch closer to him, to a point where I can lay my head on his chest. I feel his arms wrap around me slowly and I can't help but smile.

His thumb moves slowly up and down my arm, rubbing my skin gently. It could put me to sleep. I shut my eyes and almost immediately I'm having flashbacks to being hooked up to the electric pads. My eyes shoot open, my breathing raised.

"What's wrong, love?"

"N-nothing," I swallow, "nothing. I'm okay."

"Something," His voice sounds more curious.

"Just reliving it in my head. I'm fine."

"I'm sorry," he says again, "I know it's probably annoying to hear now but I am. I've done a shit job at keeping you safe-"

I sit up just enough to turn and look at him, "first, not annoying. Never. Second, I'm here now aren't I? Because of you."

"No. Because of you. You got out and found Jada and- god what happened to you? What- what did they do to you?"

"Tomorrow," I set my hand on his cheek, "not tonight. You need sleep, I could use some too. Let's just- rest."

He looks at me for a few seconds before nodding. I can't help but say it again, "I love you.." looking into his eyes melts me.

"I love you," he leans forward just a bit and kisses my forehead, "more than you know."

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