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The drive felt like it took forever, it didn't help that we sat in silence most of the way. When we pull up to Chase's I'm mildly relieved to see her car isn't here. I shut off mine where I parked the first time, hoping she won't be able to notice I left. I try to help him out of the car but he'd rather do it himself. I get it. I'm the same way deep down.

I open the front door for him and we slowly make our way inside. I started to help him up the stairs but on the first step he jolted to a stop. He nearly fell over, had I not caught him it would have been worse. He grabs at his side, the look of sheer pain written across his face. "I know it hurts my love but we have to," I try to hoist him to his feet again, "it's only this flight and then we're done." He nods his head and we start again. It's a long process, every step we have to take a minute so he can catch his breath, relax. When we get to the top we make our way down to Chases' sister's room.

"We need to get you cleaned up," I whisper, "we need to clean you off-"

"I-I'll go shower," he groans as he takes a step forward.

"I can help you," I offer, "I-"

"No," he holds out his hand, stopping me, "no I-I can do it." He moves slowly but eventually he's in the bathroom, shutting and locking the door. I look around slowly before sitting down on the bed. I take a deep breath and my emotions take over. The water spewing from the showerhead masks the sound of my cries. I know he can't hear me, I don't really want him to.

Today has been horrid. My birthday... it has turned into a nightmare. A horrible day. He woke up, I'm more than happy about that but everything since then has been a total shit show. Chase is now in the hospital, Matt was taken and beaten and probably needs to go to the hospital... ugh. There are no breaks. If it isn't one thing, it's another. He just fucking woke up from a coma.

I hear a sudden thud, a loud thud. A thud that shakes the ground beneath me. "OWWWW" comes from within the bathroom. I quickly stand and run to the door, trying to open it. It's locked. Damn it. I hear a slight whimpering. Is he crying?

"Matt?" I ask, "Matt? Love? Are you okay?"

He doesn't answer. I keep trying the knob and it still doesn't open. I quickly ran downstairs to grab a butter knife and come back up. I start trying to unlock the door and when it works I pause shocked. I open the door, "love it's just me. I'm gonna help you okay-"

"No," he yells, "no I-I'm fine. I- I don't need help-"

"Oh yes you do," I pull off my shirt to leave me in my bra and jeans. I pull my jeans down before pulling back the curtain. He sits on the ground. His body is black and blue, he has cuts the size of his arm along his body that are nowhere close to healing. Instead the hot water I'm convinced has opened them back up.

"What-what are you-"

"Come on," I grab his arms and lift up slowly, "up you go." I lean him against the wall and take him all in. He's completely naked, it's my first time really seeing him out in the open like this. I mean I know I'm intruding his shower space so it makes sense for him to be. His body is filled with muscle, he looks like a God. He's so handsome. I quickly look away, back at his face. His eyes are shut thank god. I can feel the heat in my cheeks. Sadly, I can tell he's hurting.

I look back down to the ground where I see a poof. I grab it, put some soap on and rub it vigorously. Bubbles form and I slowly, gently run it along his skin. I watch his facial expressions how everytime I near a tender spot his eyebrows furrow just a smidge. His eyes squeeze just enough to wrinkle at the corners. His nose slightly ravels up.

"Come here," I whisper, "turn this way- there you go. Thank you my love." I rub the puff down his back. He groans. "I'm sorry-I-I'm sorry, I'm trying to be gentle-"

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