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It's Tuesday and school is almost over. Matt hasn't messaged me back all day and I'm starting to worry. The last time we talked he was in trouble and I'm sure he got in trouble at home. I just hope he's okay.

The final bell rings and I head out to wait for Jada at her car. We've been carpooling. No reason to drive both mine and her car when we live together and basically run on the same schedule.

"Hey," Jada opens the car happily, "how are you?"

"Happy school is over," I sigh, "how are you?"

"Also so happy the day is done," she laughed, "hey have you talked to Matt? I know it's a weird question but his friend Chase, we have a second hour together. He was wondering because he hadn't heard from him all day and didn't hear back last night."

I look at her for a few seconds, my heart begins to race, "I-I haven't. He hasn't answered me either." I immediately pull out my phone to try and call him. It rings and rings.. voicemail.

"Do you know where he lives?" she asks.

"No," I shake my head, "let's um- let's just go home. I'm sure everything is fine. Maybe his phone just broke or something." I can feel her eyes burning holes through me as she starts the car and pulls away. We drive home, music blaring but somehow the silence is still louder. We pull into the driveway and she goes to get out but stops when she notices I don't move.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I just- I don't know. Nothing. It's nothing."

"No, what is it?"

"Nothing," I say a bit harsher, "I'm okay. I think I just need some fresh air or something. I think I'm gonna go for a drive?"

"For a drive?" she questions more, "Ana, I'm not stupid. I know you're gonna go looking around for Matt. I can come-"

"No," I shake my head, "because if something happened, I don't want you to be a part of it."

"I'm your best friend," she grabs my hand, "I'm with you always. Okay? You're sure you don't want me to go?" I nod my head and get out of her car. We head inside where I set my bag down before grabbing my keys.

"Just try to be back before my mom gets home," Jada stands in front of me, "she gets off at six or something."

"Okay I will." I start to walk away, going straight to my car and starting it up. I don't know where I'm going yet, I'm just going to drive.

Eventually I find myself driving into the woods a bit before stopping and making my way up to the house. I stand on the half-rotten porch before looking around.

"Matt!" I scream, "Are you out here?!"

I don't know why I'm screaming. I don't know if he's out here or not. But there's something in my gut telling me he is. Do I follow that? I feel crazy.

I walk down from the porch and start to walk around the house outside. I start to head towards the lake, "Matt! Matt! Come on... please be here. Please be here. Matt!!"

It's been close to twenty minutes of walking now and I'm almost ready to leave or atleast go back to the house and sit in silence. I decided to call him again.

That's when I hear it. A quiet but noticeable ringing. I look around, "Matt!" I start to follow it, hoping I'm moving in the right direction.

That's when I see someone. Someone who I can't recognize but deep down know. Blood covers their swollen face.

"Matt?" I ran closer, "Matt!" I drop down to my knees in front of him, "oh my god what- what happened to you? Matt? Can you hear me?" I shake his shoulders a bit. I watch his eyes open slightly as he jolts back out of fear. "Woah it's okay- it's okay, you're okay," I wrap my arms tightly around him, "it's just me. It's Ana. It's okay-"

His arms wrap around me and for a moment we sit in silence.

"What- what are you doing here?" he struggles to talk, "what- how-how did you-how did you find me?"

"Don't worry about that," I lean back, "come on, we gotta get you up." I have him lean on me a bit but as I start to stand he cries out in pain, grabbing at his waist. I set him back down.

"What?" I ask, "what's wrong?"

"My ribs," he tilts his head back, "god I'm so stupid. I-"

"Hey. No," I shake my head, "no. You're so far from that. Don't say that. Can I call Chase?"

"NO!" he yelled quickly, "no.. please, don't call him. Nobody. Don't call anybody. It's bad enough that you're here-"


"Because if they come back and see you helping me- they'll do this to you too."


He looks at me for a few seconds before looking away.

"Matt. Who?"

"My dad and brother," he sighs. His head falls as if he's defeated. I look around nervously before wrapping my arms around him again.

"We're getting you out of here. I'm sorry, I know it hurts but if you aren't going to let me call help then we have to toughen up and get away from here. Okay? Come on." I hoist him to his feet again. He grabs at his stomach, wincing in pain. I can tell he's clenching his jaw. We started to walk, slowly, but we walked and before long I was able to get him in the front seat of my car. I run to the drivers side and hop in, starting it up and pulling out quickly. I raced to Jada's house.

It's nearly 5pm now which is such a relief. I have plenty of time to get him inside and situated, at least for a little bit. I put it in park and get out, running inside, "Jada! Jada I need your help!"

Her door swings open and she looks down at me, "what the hell is wrong?"

"I found him," I waive my hand for her to come, "come on! I need your help! Please-" Before I can finish I see her start running towards me. I go back outside to the car and open his door the rest of the way for him. He was trying to get out. It's clear he can't.

"What the fuck happened?" She asked scared, "what do I do?"

"Just get the door," I shake my head, "I got him. Please just-" She does just that. I managed to get him inside. The hard part is getting up the stairs. "Ready?" He shakes his head but we don't really have a choice. I start up the stairs as he moans and groans with every movement. I hear Jadas' phone ringing and I can't help but listen.

"No he's here at my house," she says quickly, almost nervously, "come fast Chase it isn't good."

"No-" he coughs, "st-"

"He needs to be here," I cut him off, "I'm sorry but you need him right now-"

"No I don't," he grunts. I don't listen. He's being hard headed right now.

I finally get him up the stairs and into Jadas bathroom where I sit him on the toilet. I turn on the water, making sure it isn't too hot but not cold either.

"I have to take your shirt off," I say quietly. He nods his head and I gently grab at the bottom. I slowly start to pull up and even slower I take it, pull it over his head, down his arms and off his body. That's when I see the full extent. Black and blue covers his stomach, ribs, sides, and back. I cover my mouth with my hands as tears well in my eyes. He leans back, his eyes shut. I watch his eyebrows furrow in pain. I check his pockets, pulling out his phone and wallet before helping him into the tub.

I detach the shower head and let it gently fall onto his body. He hisses as the water hits his body. I ask if something's wrong but he says no. I keep going.

Jada grabs one of her dad's old shirts and a pair of sweatpants and a pair of boxers. We'll have to tie them, they're a bit big. Hopefully he'll be able to at least put the boxers on, I could help with the rest of it. He probably won't want me to though. 

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