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My head is pounding and the bright light that shines directly in my eyes isn't helping. My body aches and I can't believe this is happening all over again. Same guys. I recognize most of them. I haven't seen Jack though so I don't know where he is. I'm sure he's here, wrapped up in it somehow. I have to find a way out. For me and Jada.

I haven't seen Jada since they found us in the woods, in that house. I'm not sure where she is. I don't know where I am, I just know it isn't with her. I'm in a concrete room, it smells musty, wet. I try to sit up but quickly realize that isn't happening. My back and sides hurt so much... I can hardly breathe. I've been trying to fight these handcuffs since they were put on me. I feel like I'm so close to getting at least one of my hands out... I can't stop trying.

The door squeaks open and I try to see the person walking in but my vision is blurred so bad I can't tell if it's even a man or a woman.

"So," his voice is raspy, "you know when your boyfriend is gonna bring the boss his money?" I stay quiet. I have no energy to answer. Until his hand smacks the side of my face. I cry out in pain as it stings every inch.

"I-I don't know," I cry, "I don't know! I already told you!"

"Well that's not good enough," he gets close. Inches from me. "You're not as feisty as you were the first time around. So listen, it's either his head or yours. You better get talking."

"I don't know," I shake, "I-I swear. I don't even know where he is. I don't know anything." Another hit to the face. I cry out. I mean it's definitely better than the electric torture earlier. I'm not even sure when that happened. I don't know how long I've been here. I think for about a day now. If I had to guess. They stuck small patches on my neck and arms and chest. Then they'd ask questions. It didn't matter if I told the truth or lied.. I was shocked somewhere. And it hurt, it still does. I won't ever forget that pain. I'm almost certain it left some type of mark. God I can't imagine what's happening to Jada. I can't know for sure that they'll do nothing. Because she really doesn't know anything.

"That's a lie," he stares at me. I shake my head, repeating that I didn't know anything about anything. I knew the basics... but not the in-depth stuff. "You say you love him?" I nod. "Well you'd do anything to save him, right?"

I squinted, "what are you asking me to do?"

He looks at me and starts to laugh, "you wouldn't be up for it."

"What?" I ask again. This time more stern.

His smile fades, "so the boss used to have this deal, you basically give yourself to us. He forgets the debt and promises to not come back but you, you stay here. So he goes and is set free, and you're in here."

"What- what do I do?"

"You make money," he steps back, "you're bottom of the barrel. You fall into the same category as the bitches that walk in looking for the drugs." I know I show a face filled with disgust. "And you, well baby you're fresh. The people would love a piece."

"And when do I get out?" I ask.

"Whenever the boss is done. He'll normally tack the forgotten debt to the newbie. They work it off and then they choose. But you choose wisely. There isn't a real way out. You won't want to leave." I seriously contemplate. I mean what do I actually have going for me right now? No dad. No mom. No home. I have Matt, Jadas' family... but that's it. And it's worth the risk to me. As stupid as it sounds... I don't care. Now anymore.

"Fine," I glare, "take me then."

"You have to pass inspection baby," he smiled, "but let me go get the boss." He walked away and I started to rapidly shimmy my wrists. I pull and twist, trying to set my hands free from the handcuffs. Tears stream down my face. It hurts so bad. Like my bones are breaking. When it finally frees itself I almost cry with joy. I remember I have to be fast, so I start to untie my ankles. I hear voices nearing the door. Looking around I see the metal pan they used to catch any flesh. I grab it and stand behind the door. My hands are trembling. I'm scared. I don't know what I'm doing, I'm just winging it.

The door opens and I stand still.

"Where is she?" I recognize him. It must be the boss.

"I-I don't know she was just here!" The other man yells in panic, "sound the alarm! Check!" The door starts to close and I swing the pan. I hit someone and watch them stumble back. I quickly run before looking around. I can't even catch my breath. I try every door handle, there's so many. I can still hear the men screaming behind me but I can't afford to turn and look.

Finally, a door opens and I quickly shut and lock it from the inside. The only time I'm thankful for a deadlock on a door. I hear them run into it and start beating on it. I fall to the ground in fear.

"Ana?" Jadas voice rings in my ear, "Ana! Oh my god!" She starts to cry. I turn on the light above her to see her bruised up some. Nothing near what I've seen or has happened to me. I untie her and she quickly stands and hugs me tightly. I wince from the pain but I don't want to stop hugging her. I was so worried. I had no clue where she was. "How- how did you-"

"I don't know," I shake my head, "I-I don't know but-" There's another loud thud against the door. We both jump back a bit.

"What are we gonna do?" She asks. I look around to see a window near the ceiling.

I point, "that. Here take this chain, wrap it around your fist. Yeah like this. And now get on my shoulders and break the glass."

"How are you gonna get out?"

"We'll figure it out when you are. Come on! We don't have time!" There's more men outside now. They're barging into the door. She shakily does as I say. Perfect. "Okay hit it Jada!" I grunt, "hard. Hit it hard!" She does as I say and on the second hit the glass shatters. I can't help but smile. She starts to climb out and spins to face me. She looks so relieved.

"Come on!" She calls out, "Ana what are we gonna do?"

"Run!" I yell, "Jada you have to get out of here!"

"I'm not leaving you," she shakes her head, "no way. We have to go together." I look around for anything but all I've got is the chair. I stand on it. "Try jumping!" She reaches her hand down, "come on I think I can pull you up!" I jump and reach out but it doesn't work. "Keep trying!" I do it again and this time the chair breaks. I fall.

"One! Two! Go!" The men outside the door yell. It swings open. I reach down and grab a chair leg. Five against one.. no way I'm getting out of this.

"Run Jada!" I scream as I swing my arm. I hit one of them but two grab me. "Run!"

"Ana!" She cried out, "no!"

"RUN JADA!" I feel a cloth go over my mouth. Everything goes black. 

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