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I haven't gone home. I've been sticking nearby so I can try to take the car but the keys weren't in it. And then Jack took it this morning. Early. I swear to god if he has anything to do with her missing. I walk to the park. My body is healed now. Certain movements still hurt but for the most part, I'm okay. I start to walk down the dirt path and not that far down I see her car. The door hangs wide open.

"Ana!" I yell as I start to run toward it, "Ana!" She's not in it. I look around frantically before grabbing my phone. It fumbles in my hand. I tried to call her. It rings and rings.. eventually going to voicemail. "Fuck. Fuck. Ana!"

My phone starts to ring. It's Chase. "Hello?"

"Hey man where are you? We're here."

"You see the dirt path?" I ask, "I'm right down here. Dude her car is here man. She's not here- she-"

"Hold on we'll be right there," he says, "we'll be right there." He hangs up the phone and I look around anxiously. I call Jack. No answer. I clench my phone in my fist.

"Fuck!" I screamed, "God dammit!" This is exactly what I was worried about. This. Them. Her. If I would've stayed... I should've stayed with her. Maybe I could have prevented it. I'm so stupid. I shouldn't have left. How is that making her safe? God, I'm an idiot.

Chase rolls up and Jada immediately hops out of the car, "Ana!"

"She's not here," I sigh, "I think I know who has her though. I just- I don't know where."

"Who!" She screams at me, "where is my best friend! Who has Ana! Where is she Matt! What did you do!"

"I didn't do anything!" I snapped back, "you think I would do anything to put her in harms way! No! I wouldn't!"

"Oh really?" She laughs angrily, "really? That's why you drug her into your fucking world! You knew-"

"That's why I left!" I yell, "because I didn't want her mixed up in this! This is the last thing I fucking wanted Jada! You don't know how I feel about her!"

"How the hell do you feel! Huh?"

"I love her!" I scream. My fuse is blown. I'm pissed. I'm scared. "I love her! And I wouldn't let anything happen to her!"

There's silence between us but she talks, "well you did. And now you better fucking find her! And nothing better have happened!"

"And how do I do that? I can't track her!" Her eyes widen and she rips out her phone. "What?" I ask, "what is it? Did she text-"

"No we share our locations," she shakes her head, "I-I think I can find her- here! Here! She's right here!" I run over to her. Chase walks over to her too. She hands me her phone and I look at it. I know exactly where she's at.

Fucking Jack. I'm gonna kill him. I swear I'm gonna kill him.

"I'm gonna go get her," I handed the phone back, "tonight. I'll have her tonight. But I have to take her somewhere-"

"My house," Chase said immediately, "my parents are gone on vacation for the next.. I think like 5 days or something. Bring her there. Door will be unlocked." I nod my head.

"You bring her back safe," Jada cried, "please... please bring her back."

"I promise. Just- go. You guys have to go. I'll bring her. I promise."

"How are you- are you gonna carry her?" She asks, "here. My car keys. It's at the school-"

"I'll take you," Chase nods, "come on. Me and her will just go back to my place. We'll wait." I get in the car with them. It's a quiet ride to the school and once I'm there I get out and get in hers. I drive away quickly and make my way to the house.

My old house. When me and Jack were kids, we'd play hide and seek there. For hours. There was always somewhere new to hide. I know every in, every out. After all.. Jack could never find me there. 

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