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The sun has gone down now. I haven't done anything but lay down in this damn bed. I hate laying down, unless I'm sleeping. Which I guess I need to be but at the same time, I just can't. Every time I close my eyes I'm seeing shit I don't want to, feeling the bat or whatever that was hitting me. It's hard to remember at the same time, like my brain is trying to black it out.

I remember the stinging, the sound it made when it would land on my body. The burning I'd feel when it would smack an already opened gash.. the sound of his voice screaming and echoing in the small room that smelled like nothing but mold.. I remember the small details with big impact.

Ana is downstairs now, she insisted on making me something to eat. I tried to tell her it was fine but truth be told, she knows me a bit better. I can smell whatever she's making, gosh it smells so good. I don't even know what it is, I can't tell. All I know is I'm ready to have some.

Suddenly I watch headlights pull in the driveway outside. I slowly push myself up to try and see who it is. Chase's mom? Rhonda? It is. "Ana!" I called out, "Ana, his mom's home!" Just a couple seconds later I hear the front door unlock.

"You're still here?" She asks Ana.

"Uhm- Matt- Matt is upstairs. He- he got hurt-"

"Hurt? How hurt?" I hear footsteps climb the stairs and within a moment's time she walked through the door. "Oh my god," she stops in her tracks, "oh my god. Matthias- what happened? Oh my god are you- do you need to go to the hospital-"

"No!" I cut her off, "sorry- no. No I'm- I'm fine. I just-" I look over at Ana, a fearful expression on her face, "How- how's Chase? Is he... okay?"

She looks at me for a moment and bursts into tears, "they said he'll be okay but it's so obvious he isn't. His leg is broken, his arm- he has to wear a neck brace for 6 weeks at least. Physical therapy and neurological doctors. Matt, he died and they brought him back. My SON DIED!" She's angrier now. At me. "He was helping you!"

I watch Ana step closer, "He was bringing him back from the hospital after being shot." I look back at her, Ana has fury in her eyes. "After he was fighting for his life for a month tied up to tubes and hooked on machines. They're best friends. This isn't his fault, nor is it Chases."

Rhonda turns to face Ana. Oh boy. I have to stop this. I try to stand up and for a moment I do. I take a step. Good. Next step is not so much. My foot touched down and I felt a pressure in my lower back that I've never felt before. I tried to grab onto anything but nothing around was tall enough to hold me up.


"Oh my- Matt come on honey. Let's get you back in bed. You were cooking downstairs?" Ana says yes.

"Go down and get some, and a 7-up. It's in the refrigerator. I'll Uhm- I'll get him settled up here." I watch her walk out of the room and Rhonda begins to help me.

"I'm so sorry I never meant for Chase to get hurt," I try to explain, "I-I had no idea this was going to happen. If- if I did I would've found a way to walk home. I'm so sorry- I am. I-"

"It's okay, I know it isn't your fault," she sighs as she helps me in bed, "and I'm sorry I snapped before. I'm just under a lot of stress. You... you had just been shot and I am still coping with that. Now my son-" Her voice cracks and she tilts her head back. She wipes her eyes, "you get some rest. Okay? She'll be back soon. I love you kid. I'm happy you're back, and safe." She turns and walks away. Ana walks in seconds later holding a bowl with a spoon in one hand and a soda in the other. She sets them down beside me on the table.

"Where's yours?"

"I'm not hungry-"

"Please, eat something with me." I reach and set my hand on her knee. She looks down and back at me before nodding. She leans down and kisses the top of my head before leaving the room. I look in the bowl. It's like soup with chunks. Chicken? Maybe? Potatoes? She comes back with a second bowl, sitting in bed with me she helps me get situated again. 

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