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"No dude I need a way to come up with the rest of the money," I sigh trying to explain it to Chase, "I need to just give them their money and even maybe throw in some extra and just-just try to get them to leave her alone. Us alone."

"Dude I doubt they'll go for that," he shakes his head, "plus my-my grandma you know. We can-"

"No. No, I'm not going back there. She knows too much and I can't take anything else from her." I shake my head seriously.

"Dude she can fucking help you," he nearly laughs, "she can get you out of this. Ana too. You just have to take her out there. I bet she has a fucking house in the middle of no where that she never uses. I wouldn't put it past her."

"No. No, we figure out a different way."

"Yeah? What way then? Because the only way I see it is you ending up dead or having to work yourself into the ground in order to make that back. And Ana? What do you think they'll do to her, huh? Leave her alone? No. Pretty sure the last time they had her they tried talking her into joining for your freedom, which she took by the fucking way. And now they want both of you."

I sit back in the seat and close my eyes. I run my hands through my hair.

"We'll just lay low in that apartment for now. I'll get a job. She can finish school and then we'll flip flop. I mean I might even be able to do school and work. I know others do so I can only assume I can too."

"Are you sure that's a good idea? I mean you can't save anything that way."

"We technically have two months there for free because her mom already paid," I explain, "I mean that's enough time to make a couple thousand if we save every penny."

"It won't work, Matt. I'm telling you. Go to our fucking grandmother."

"No dude you're not hearing me," I shake my head, "I'm not asking her for anything else. She's done enough for me."

"Fine then I'm gonna call her," he stops the car and I glare at him before getting out.

"Leave her alone," I pointed at him. He waives and I walk off up towards the house. My next plan is to just find a cheap car so we can get around. Anas was totaled in the accident about a month ago and we've been walking or riding with Chase or Jada ever since. Both of them are back to school full time. I tried to convince Ana to go back but she refuses. She wants nothing to do with that place. I can't say I blame her, it's a shithole and the kids there are total douchebags.

Gosh I remember seeing her for the first time. When we sort of ran into each other in the lunchroom. She was so beautiful, so misunderstood. I'm happy out of everyone, she trusted me.

"Hey love," I walked in the house, "how are you? I picked us up some food."

"I'm not hungry," she rolls over on the couch.

"Babe you need to eat," I move closer and sit beside her, "you haven't eaten in days. Please."

She shakes her head slowly and covers herself even more with the blanket. I try some more but eventually she stops answering. I sit down beside her but suddenly my phone starts ringing.

Chase's grandma.

Son of a ...

I answer, "hello?"

"Matt?" she asks surprised on the other end, "hey honey how are you? I just got done speaking with Chase."

I look over at Ana and stand up to go outside, "oh did you? Yeah he just dropped me off."

"Yeah so you need some help?"

"What? No. No no no. I don't need anything, thank you so much though-"

"Don't bullshit me son," she says seriously, "he told me everything. Everything that's happened since you left. Why don't you call me?"

"Because you're not my blood and I feel like shit asking you for anything," I admit, "I feel like a bad person if I ask for anything-"

"You're not here everyday asking for something new, Matt," she says, "you're never here asking for anything. So when you need it, if Chase needs it, I'm going to help. You're my grandsons. Don't ever tell me our blood isn't the same. You're my family. I'm yours. You understand?"

"I understand," I nod, "I understand. Hey uhm-- thank you. Honestly."

"I want to meet the girl. What's her name? Ana?" she asks.

I laugh a bit, "yeah. Yeah, her name is Anastasia."

"Oh Anastasia?" she repeats, "she sounds beautiful. I heard Chase is also seeing someone?"

I laugh some more. She's all for the drama. "Yes. Jada," I admit, "Ana and her are best friends. Have been basically all their lives."

"I want you guys to come down this weekend," she blurts out, "all of you. All 4. I want to make dinner, meet everyone."

"Oh I don't-"

"Great," she says happily, "I'll see you guys then! Let me know when you're almost here. I'll have them open the gates out front. I love you. See you soon."

"I love you too," I shake my head. I pull the phone away and look at the screen before hanging up.

Damn it.

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