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I head outside to the car and get in before taking a deep breath to relax. My dad is going to be pissed. I'm sure he already is now that I know the principal already spoke with him. I am basically guaranteed an ass whooping when I get home. And after what happened this weekend... definitely guaranteed. At Least that kid, Rob, won't be bothering Ana anymore. I drove home.

"Your fucking school called," he walks out on the porch already yelling as I pull in the driveway, "what the fuck is wrong with you!"

I get out and shut the car door, not saying a word. I walk up the stairs and stand in front of him.

"What the hell is wrong with you," he stares at me harder, "why can't you just be a good kid, Matthias? Why do you have to cause me so much stress! Let's go!" He grabbed the back of my head and shoved me inside before slamming the door behind us. "This is the second time!" he charged at me, "the second time!!"

"I wasn't going to let some kid fuck with my friends," I glare at him as his hand tightens around my throat, "I had to-to stop it."

"You stop nothing! You know why? Because I know everything!" he slapped me with his other hand, "everything! That kid, Rob, was sent by the boss to make sure that bitch doesn't talk!"

"Don't call her that," I glared at him, "you don't know her."

"Don't call her that?" he laughs in my face, "seriously? I'm about to go kill her myself-"

I pull my knee up and push him back once he doubles over, "you aren't gonna touch her!"

"You're right," he slowly stands up, "that was your job and you failed. So you know what that means? It isn't your job anymore. Uppers will take care of her."

"No!" I snap, "you tell them to back off! She isn't gonna talk, dad!"

"You think I'm gonna tell 'em? You're as crazy as she is," he scoffed, "besides, you don't need damaged goods like that anyways. Her dads in prison, mom is a nutcase. The last thing you need is her being your distraction. She aint even that good looking."

"Shut up. Shut up! You know nothing about her! You've never fucking seen her! You have no clue. I'm leaving-"

"The hell you are," he balls my shirt in his fist, "walk out that door and the next time you come in will be the last."

"That's fine with me."

I pay attention to his hands and just like that he tries to hit me but I'm able to duck. I shove him backwards and watch him fall to the ground.

"Dad?" Jack walks out, "are you- what the hell?" He runs by me and helps him up before looking back at me. Fuck. Awesome. "What the fuck is wrong with you pushing him around like that?" he walks up to my face, "pick on someone your own size, Matthias."

"We are the same size," I stare back, "if anyone doesn't fit in it's you!"

I feel his fist hit my jaw and I fall backwards into the wall. He knee's my stomach, making me double over and then he pushes me to the ground. He sits on my back, his knee between my shoulder blades. It feels like my bones are breaking under the pressure.

"Get off!" I yell, "get off, Jack!" He rolls me over and pins my arms down.

"You're fucking useless!" he screamed in my face, "you don't do shit right, you don't listen, you always get into trouble! No wonder mom fucking left. She couldn't handle you! You're a fuck up through and through!"

"Don't talk about mom like that!" I snapped back, "she left because she couldn't stand what you two were for!"

I'm hit in the face again. And again. Over and over it doesn't stop. I can taste the blood in my mouth and feel it running down my face. My vision blurs as my dad comes back into sight. I'm lifted off the ground but feel more blows to my stomach and chest.

"Just put him in the car," dad breathes heavily, "he doesn't want to be here, we don't want him here... he'll figure it out on his own. He knows he isn't welcome back."

"Won't the boss go after him?"

"He made his own bed, now he can sleep in it." 

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