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"So what are you doing about him?" Jada asked, "it's Wednesday. We're about to be leaving for school. He still can't stand up on his own."

"I'm not going to school today," I shake my head, "I'm just gonna hang at the park until I see your mom leave. I'll come back after that and figure something out. I'm probably gonna try to just set up the other house. I don't want him to be with you too long. I personally don't want to be staying too long either so-"

"You mean you're going to stay in that rotting house? In the woods?" she asks, "that is so stupid. You're not doing that."

"Well it's clear he can't stay here," I throw my hands up a bit, "so what? What am I supposed to do? I'm not making him sleep outside. I'm not making him go back to that house of fucking horrors he lives in. I don't have my house anymore. All I have is you and the house in the woods is something. I have few options and if we can't stay here, then that leaves one."

"Fine- fine," she breathes out, "fine. You guys just stay here then. I will figure it out."


"I don't know but I'm not letting my best friend sleep in the woods. Not if I can help it. I'll figure out how to talk to my mom. We might just have to lie. Say he's homeless or something. My moms a sucker for that and we tell her he goes to our school... I'm sure it'll be fine. Well... almost sure."

"And if she says no? You think she'll go in that room?" I question.

"Then we go back to sneaking around I guess. And no, I don't think so. She rarely ever goes in there anyways."

"Girls you're gonna be late!" Sarah yells from downstairs, "come on!"

I grab my bag and swing it over my shoulders before walking down the hall. I slowly go in with Matt who is still sound asleep on the couch.

I walk over to him and kneel beside him, "hey you. I'll be back soon, okay? Like an hour. Max. Just- try to stay quiet okay? Please."

"Where-where are you going?" his hand slides over mine and his grip tightens a bit. His breathing is fast, heavy.

I ask, "what's wrong? It's okay, everything's okay. I just- I have to 'go to school' but I'm not actually going. I just have to wait for Sarah to leave and I'll be right back. She doesn't know you're here yet. She will, but not yet. Haven't exactly gotten the chance to bring it up." Sarah calls for me again. I make up an excuse as to why I'm taking so long.


I pause and look at him, "...yes. I promise. I'll be back. I swear." I watch his eyes open a bit. I grab the damp rag and gently wipe his face. The swelling has gone down so much over night. There's still a lot of bruising, probably more than I realize but he looks a bit better than last night. I'm still in shock over what happened.

We get in the car and drive over to the park that is about half a mile down the street, "so how are we going to bring this up?"

"Honestly I don't know. I was hoping you'd tell me," she laughs nervously.

"I mean I have an idea. He's my friend... so we use that. I can be kind of honest, home life isn't cool and I wanted to ask. I have a sweet spot."

"You really want to say that?" She laughed, "no. That'll never work."

"I don't know," I sigh, "I don't know. I think it might. I really do."

"Okay well when she says no I'm gonna have to figure it out," she looks at me, "are you coming to school at all today?"

"No," I get out, "probably not. I kinda just want to be with him. I'll see you later. Be safe. Love you." She says it back as I shut the door and turn around. I start to walk up the street after realizing by the time I make it back, she'll be gone. 

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