Chapter 223 - Rebirth

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Chapter Cover: Eve standing alone as the shadow behind her had horn and wings...


Erza Scarlet could feel pain upon her form. She was slowly starting to come around and as feeling was returning to her body, she can feel cuffs around her wrists and feet. The young woman let out a soft gasp of pain as she started to wonder exactly how she had gotten here but then, the memories of what had happened at the Chairman's house started to come through.

Eve had attacked the Chairman revealing to them that he was the one that betrayed them. He was the one who told Tartaros about Face and was behind every murder of the former Council members that Tartaros had been wiping off the map one after the other and then...there was that woman who came, and Erza had felt something in her chest at how much the woman resembled Eve. the new arrival, Novaliasa, had simply raised her hand and then Erza had remembered pain coursing through every fiber of her being and then a blank...

Then Erza looked up feeling another presence within the room. She found herself staring back into the features of another woman. She looked human enough but her feet were almost birdlike in appearance, clawed as well. Two blues were staring back into her owns.

"You've awoken," the woman said, "Good."

Erza struggled against the chains but she couldn't move. She even tried to use magic to summon an armor that will increase her strength or anything but there was nothing. She couldn't feel anything happening magic wise.

"W...What is this?" she asked.

"You're a captive of Tartaros now," the woman announced her voice sounding amused at her questions.

How? Erza thought.

"What happened to Mira and Eve?" she asked, "and the Ex-Chairman?"

The woman let out a soft hum.

"I don't know of this Eve you speak of," she said, "Thought...Crawford did mention that Novaliasa had been present and that she had taken one of you with her. As for your friend, I'm about to turn her into a slave...with a little work."

Erza fought against the restrains but it was useless. She couldn't use magic and she wasn't going to be escaping here anytime soon.

"Then the Chairman was the one who told you about Face?" she said, "You threatened him..."

"We did nothing of the sort," the woman answered, "Crawford came to us of his own volition. He happens now to be one of the most useful pawns in this project of ours...but he is still, only a pawn."

"Where is Eve?" Erza snapped, "What did Novaliasa did to her?"

The woman smiled, a cruel cold smile that sends shivers down Erza's spine.

"Novaliasa is never forthcoming about her side projects," she said, "As long as what she is doing isn't a hindrance to the plan with Face then I don't care...but you, however, have something I very much care about."

Her hand took hold of Erza's face and the girl can feel that what was touching her didn't feel remotely like a hand at all. It may have been shaped like one, but it certainly didn't feel like one.

"I only need you to answer a single question," she said, "Where is Jellal?"

Erza stared at her confused for a few moments as before the thought of why they could be looking for Jellal suddenly sunk in.

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