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“Why are you here?” the japanese young actor firstly asked the moment he saw his bestfriend grinning at him as he approach the set.

“My scenes were done filming, I just want to check up on you” Junkyu truthfully answered.

“Me or Mashi?”

“Shut the fuck up. They might hear you!” Junkyu pinched the actor's side hips to make him stop blabbering.

On the other hand, Haruto kept on glancing behind Junkyu, silently hoping that one on his mind will come and follow the korean actor.

“You seem waiting for someone” it was Junkyu's turn to grin playfully, noticing the japanese.

“N-no, who would I wait for?”

“You jerk, I already know you have some kind of feelings for my personal assistant. But sorry to say, he doesn't like jerks who doesn't brush his teeth before sleeping”

“What the hell? I brush my teeth 3x a day!” Haruto defended himself.

Junkyu bursted out on laughter upon seeing his defensive friend, trying to defend himself from him.

“He's not with me, I took taxi alone”

Haruto's face grew more grumpy and rolled his eyes at his friend for not bringing his tall and handsome personal assistant with him.

“Why? Did he not got mad at you?”

“No, why would he?”

“Because you might get lost, you know, you and your stupid brain”

“I hope you know that you're annoying”

“I know thanks”

“Kyu, I bought you water with ice. Didn't you say you're thirsty?” Haruto's eyes automatically traveled around the tent checking where did the voice came from.

Junkyu immediately smirked seeing his younger japanese's friends face lightened after hearing the familiar voice.

“Should I let him in?” Junkyu playfully asked.

“Fuck you” he cursed at the korean as he panicked and picked up all the mess on his tent, including the pile of clothes on the chair as well as some packs of chips on his table with its crumbs shattered around the table.

Junkyu was laughing devilishly, seeing how the japanese cleaned the tent in a split of seconds, he knew this guy was already head over heels for his substitute personal assistant.

“Jeongwoo, you can come in” Junkyu instructed when he saw the japanese was already done cleaning the tent.

While still panting, Haruto was looking at the entrance of the tent patiently waiting for the personal assistant to come in.

Then there goes the personal assistant with his fancy suit. He looks really presentable at the way he dressed right now. Considering how his hair was styled up, exposing his forehead.

Dang! If only he knew how much he contain himself from squealing like a teenage girl.

“Here's your drink, does your throat still hurts?” Jeongwoo asked the korean.

However, the japanese lowkey wished he was the one being asked by this gentleman right here.

“That's so sweet of you. My throat is okay, I am just craving for a cold drink. Thanks for this, Woo”

“I am sorry, this is the only thing I bought. I should've bought something on the convenience store before picking you up”

“Hey no, water's fine with me. Don't worry. By the way, is this your tumbler? This looks cool, I want one”

“Yoshi hyung bought that for me” he proudly flexed his tumbler.

“Aww. Are you sure I can drink from here?” Junkyu assured.

“Yes, no problem. Go ahead”

The japanese actor's ears was alarmed by the thought of Junkyu drinking on Jeongwoo's tumbler, that doesn't sound right.

Junkyu opened his tumbler and was about to drink when the japanese actor snatched the tumbler away as he walked towards the table to get a plastic cup.

He poured a huge amount of water at the big plastic cup and handed it to him.

“I also want cold water, I can drink here right?” he asked and was glaring at his bestfriend as he handed him the plastic cup.

Before Jeongwoo could react and say anything, the young japanese actor immediately chugged on the tumbler drinking the remaining water inside the bottle.

Jeongwoo was speechless at the sight, he couldn't stop the actor since he already drank on the tumbler. Junkyu on the other hand chuckled before drinking the water on the plastic cup. He knows.

“Anyways, you look good on your suit brother. Wonder if you have some pictures with you so I can see the whole outfit”

Liar, he just wanted to share some of his pics on his phone but anyway, he's trying hard though. Let's give a C for the effort.

“Thanks, I did have a picture of me. S—should I—I show it?” Jeongwoo hesitantly asked. Not like he wanted to flex himself but he just thought it will be rude since he asked for it.

“He wanted to see it, I guess you should” Junkyu said. Jeongwoo took his phone hesitantly while the japanese's smiled widened as he waited.

He opened his gallery and showed him some mirror shots he took on the venue.

“Ehem, here” he was still hesitating when he gave his phone to Haruto for him to see it.

That moment he swore to god, he wanted to run away with his phone and stare at the drop dead gorgeous mirror shots of Jeongwoo until the midnight. But of course, he doesn't want to do that.

So as an alternative way, he shared the pictures of him using his instagram account and searched for his secret account as he sent it all there in a swift seconds.

“You look good, brother. I like your suit”

No, I like you.


“Is that a birthday party something?”

“Nope, a friend's wedding”

“Oh, you're one of the guests?”


“Oh that's great. Next time, you attend a wedding you'll be the groom” the japanese whispered the last sentences.


“Huh? What?”

“You were saying something”

“Oh no, I was coughing. Ehem ehem, you see” He said as an alibi and acted like he was really coughing.

Sometimes I wonder what's going on inside the young japanese actor's head.

to be continued..

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