thirty four

312 22 3

ˋcelebration party ˊ

“How do I look?” he asked his older brother after he dragged his brother to a salon near them to style Jeongwoo with his hair.

Yoshi smiled at him. Wearing his suit that emphasized more Jeongwoo's broad shoulders. His hair styled up, Yoshi was sure that he will be the peak of attention later.

“You look absolutely good, Woo. Don't worry”

“I told you I can style myself. You should've saved the money for yourself rather than using it to me” Jeongwoo worriedly suggested.

“Don't say that! This is a once in a lifetime experience, stop bringing yourself down”

“How about we go now?” Yoshi finally suggested.

Jeongwoo let out a deep sigh, preparing himself to the things that might happen later at the party.

Jeongwoo's face shrinked as soon as he stepped inside the venue of the celebration party. Looking around, he feels like suffocating.

The blinding lights around, upbeat and electrifying music from the speakers, and the hyper crowd, this is why he doesn't like parties.

They were assisted to a table where he found his former handled artist, Junkyu was seating their and watching the crowd with their own world.

“JEONGWOO!!” Junkyu exclaimed and rushed towards the younger to engulf him in his arms.

He missed Jeongwoo so much, it was almost a month when he last saw the guy. He was thrilled that he really came at the celebration party.

“How are you?” Jeongwoo asked with his smile.

“I'm fine. We just finished filming last week. I'm glad you're here” Junkyu happily spoke and dragged Jeongwoo beside him to their reserved table.

“What about you? What are your plans now?”

“I'm planning to go back to studying. I just enrolled myself at a University again” Jeongwoo said.

“Omg, I'm very happy for you. I wish I could study too” Junkyu pouted.

“You will, maybe you just have to wait for the time that you are not hectic”

“True. I might add that to my bucketlist”

Jeongwoo and Junkyu was having so much fun consulting each other when they heard screams and yell not so far from their table.

The two's attention diverted at the bunch of crowd at the entrance, the camera flashes are almost blinding them.

“W-what is happening?” Jeongwoo asked his brother.

“Guess the star of the night already arrived” Yoshi said as he watched the media went crazy.

“Star of the night?” Jeongwoo questioned himself.

He again looked at the entrance only to see someone walking on the red carpet with pure elegance.

“He's here” he heard Junkyu mumbled.

Meanwhile Jeongwoo was just watching his every moves. Why does it feels like he almost can't breath everytime he steps closer.

Plus he doesn't want to deny the fact that he looked good tonight.

Oh wait, scratch that.

Because he looked absolutely stunning and breathtaking tonight.

Seeing how his red suit looked good on him, the fact that he's the only one wearing red suit just makes him more unique. His hair was also styled up while his exposed forehead was almost greeting him.

Jeongwoo swore that he almost lose his breath the moment their eyes met.

The japanese actor smirked at him that secretly left a big impact on him which he will not admit to anyone.

The guy with the red suit shamelessly walked closer to their table and sat beside Jeongwoo.

“Having fun without me? That seems unfair” he playfully spoke as he used his palm to lean on the table, closer to the tanned korean.

“Unfair my face, you came late” Junkyu said and rolled his eyes heavenwards.

Jeongwoo immediately avoided himself to look at him and moved closer to Junkyu.

“You look good tonight, Haruto” Yoshi complimented the japanese actor.

The tanned male rolled his eyes, he knows that he will boast it nonstop.

“Thank you, hyung. You too” he responded.

“I'm really sorry for breaking your conversation but the director was looking for Junkyu” a staff came and told them.

“Oh sure, we'll go” Junkyu said as he turned to his personal assistant, Yoshi.

“Woo, I need to go. Don't forget to enjoy the night okay?”

“Hyung, you can't go!” Jeongwoo said in a low tone voice as if the japanese can't hear him.

The japanese smirked secretly knowing he's helpless right and might as well be left alone with him at the table.

“Sorry, Woo. Ruto, can you accompany my brother for a while?” Yoshi asked the japanese actor.

“Sure hyung, I will take good care of your brother” the actor agreed with the biggest and playful smirk on his lips.

“We should go. I'll see you later, Woo!” the personal assistant excused himself.

“Hyung!” Jeongwoo yelled but too bad, his brother can't go back anymore.

“Hmm, soooo..” he immediately glared at the japanese as soon as he heard his teasing voice.

“Shut up” Haruto was planning on teasing him more as he placed his arms and put his chin on his palm before staring at the annoyed tanned male.

“I'm glad you're here though”

“I was just forced to attend this stupid party”

“Ohh sad, thought you're here because you wanted to see me” the actor shamelessly joked.

“That's so bold of you but no”

The actor just playfully chuckled as the lights went dim, the dj played some loud music that almost scare the hell out of Jeongwoo. This is why he doesn't like parties.

He wanted to leave this place already.

He was lost on his own thoughts when he suddenly felt something crawled on his hands.

Only to see it was the japanese's hands sneaking into the korean's

“You have me, tell me when you want to leave. I would gladly leave this place with you”

to be continued..

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