⋆ Harry x Reader ⋆

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Requested by Weasel_named_gace

Requested by Weasel_named_gace

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Word count: 1971

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Harry stopped his car on the side on the road, his eyes lingered on the strange figure who had their hand up, signaling they where looking for a ride.

The other person let out a sigh of relief as they opened the passengers door seating themselves on the car stool. "Thanks a bunch I thought no one was gonna stop." They said, turning to face the driver. "I'm Y/n, nice to meet you."

Where there would normally be a head was a tv instead, on the screen there was was a pixelated image of a smiley face.

Harry blinked confused but tried to push the questions that where forming in his mind away. He didn't want to come over as rude by immediately questioning the strangers face so he directed his attention to the dashboard.

He noticed that he was running low on fuel for his car, making a mental note to find a gas station nearby.

"The name is Harry, the pleasure is all mine." He politely nodded his head, stretching out a hand as greeting. "If you don't mind me asking, where are you heading too?" He asked curiously.

The passenger shook his hand before making themselves comfortable in the seat and putting on the seatbelt. "The bus I had to take was canceled, I figured I could walk back home but got tired halfway through."

They continued talking letting after out a tired sight."I was heading towards Clay Hill but if it's to far away from your own destination you can just drop me of further ahead."

While starting up the engine Harry couldn't help but sneak glances at Y/n. He wondered if the tv they had for a head worked like a regular tv would.

It looked a bit old fashioned, the antenna on top where slightly bent but it added a certain charm. The rest of their body appeared to be more human like.

A humanoid figure with a tv as head, how peculiar.

With on of their hands they mighty jabbed the side of their head. Static noises where coming of from the speakers so Y/n tried to fix it. "So what's a handsome dude like you doing at this at this hour?"

"I had to pick up a package for my friend, they didn't feel well and asked me to it. And I prefer traveling late in the evening as it is quiter on the roads." Harry anwsered truthfully, quickly checking the digital clock in the car.

The others at home would have to wait just a bit longer for his arrival.

As he was busy focusing on the time and obviously the road, not wanting a car accident, he made sure the other couldn't see his silly smile.

Being called handsome even by a total stranger made him feel giddy. In a good way though-

They drove for a few miles, the two had gotten into a interesting conversation about ______ and both hadn't paid much attention to where they where heading at this point.

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