⋆ Harry x Reader x Robin ⋆

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The Reader is in a poly relationship with Harry and Robin and these three consider Manny their child

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The Reader is in a poly relationship with Harry and Robin and these three consider Manny their child.

Word count: 1138

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The human quietly creeped up behind their green feathered companion. The tall red man sitting opposite to the two, clearly seeing the planned attack  watched in amusement.

Y/n put their hand for their lips indicating to stay silent. Deciding to play it off like that scene in the Lion King where Simba sneeks up behind Zazu.

They jumped up, over to couch, hands outstretched towards Robin as if going to grab him.



Robin let out a loud squeak jumping up from his seat  but before he could get away he was tackled to the floor.

Y/n grinned as they towered over the other, proud of their achievements. Harry let out a chuckle resting his face in his hand, looking at the scene in amusement.

"NOT FUNNY!" Robin huffed out in annoyance trying to get up but his attacker wouldn't let him.

"Not so fast pretty bird, I'll only get up if you promise to go to the arcade with us." Y/n said smiling mischievously.

Y/n, Harry and Manny had figured it would be fun to visit the city and best of all the grant opening of the new arcade but Robin was in a grumpy mood and didn't want too.

But the others didn't want to go without their lovable companion. It was all or none, so now it was time to convince the man.

Even if it meant taking drastic measures...

"Did you put them up to this??" Robin said, turning his head to face Harry with a disapproving look.

"What?? No way-" Harry replied back trying not to crack up.

"You two are in so much trouble!" Robin said sternly.

"Really~" Y/n whispered back, stroking Robins head with one of their fingers.

Absolutely embarrassed the green duck face reddened. "S-Stop doing that, g-get off."

The human ignored his pleas. "Only if go to that arcade with us."

The red mop nodded his head. "Please, we promise you won't regret it."

Robin let out another huff, puffing up his feathers before finally agreeing. "Fine!" He let out begrudgingly, knowing he in fact would regret it.

"Thank you love~" Y/n cheered, placing a quick kiss on Robins beak before swiftly getting back on their feet. "I'll get Manny."

Harry walked over, extending one of his red hands to pull up the other. "Let me help you up hun."

"Much appreciated." Robin replied with a smile, accepting the help.

From upstairs the two could hear the excited shouts of Manny and Y/n.

Everyone was sitting in the car, Harry driving and Robin right next to him in the front passenger seat. In the back where Y/n and Manny playing I spy.

"My turn!" Y/n exclaimed happily. "I spy something yellow.

"That's easy, it's the sun!" Robin joined in, confident about his anwser.

"uH- the dashboard?" Harry offered, while keeping his eyes on the road.

"I don't know..." Manny mumbled, trying to look outside for something yellow. His reflection stared back at him rolling it's eyes before pointing back at him. "Oh! Is... is it me?"

"You got it! Good job." Y/n praised, giving Manny a hug.

The yellow kid smiled to himself, his reflection smiling back as the car ride continued and the next I spy was launched.

"Who0! I'm slaying it!" Y/n shouted as they threw one of the basketballs through the plastic hoops that where laid out.

On the score board the points increased while the human cheered. "Think you can beat that~" They continued to speak, looking daring at the red mop.

"I absolutely can but I rather not see you despair after losing to me." Harry monotonously said, shrugging it off like no big deal.

"Well then how about this, if I win you gotta carry me on your back for the rest of the day whenever I want-"

"And if I win you gotta take those knitting lessons with me."


"You cheated..."

"Can't help it, I'm just better than you."

Y/n mumbled something back, their ego bruised after losing multiple rounds to Harry. Their lover had certainly kept his word about defeating them.

"Looking forward to those knitting lessons together." Harry whispered, smiling.

"Watch it love, I'm gonna knit a scarf using red yarn to make a replica of you." Y/n said, letting out a chuckle.

When the human spotted blue hair they quickly walked over, putting a hand on the yellow kids head to ruffle his hair.

"Hey buddy, how you doing?" Y/n asked.

"I'm good! Robin bought me candy!" Manny cheerfully replied before letting out a awkward chuckle. "I do think he's a bit... frustrated with the claw machine."

Y/n looked over to where Manny was pointing, a few meters away was Robin standing in front of one of the glass containers holding various plushies.

"Why won't this stupid thing work?!" He shouted angry as he put another coin in the machine to try and grab the plushie he had seen Manny looking at.

He had wanted to give it as a present but was slowly draining his money finds and getting more agitated by the arcade machine.

"Oh dear god-"

"Hun! Don't do what I think your planning to do."

Harry rushed over to the scene gently grabbing his lovers hands and pulling him into a hug to soothe him.

Y/n and Manny walked over making it groups hug, the four not caring about the looks they got from the other visitors.

"Ha! I showed that machine not to mess with me." Robin proudly exclaimed, as he sat to Manny who was happily playing with his new plushie.

"You literally payed over €50- to that machine before getting it right." Harry said rolling his eyes.

"Money well spend I say." Y/n chimed in.

The four sat outside on a bench, enjoying the peace out here compared to busy arcade just now.

"Time to go home!" Robin said, grabbing the car keys, taking them away from Harry. "I'll drive this time."

"I wanna sit in the front!" Manny shouted running toward the front passenger seat to claim it.

"I guess we'll sit in the back together." Harry said nudging Y/n who's lips curled up in a smile.

They jumped up from the bench pulling the red mop down, him being a giant and all, to place a kiss on his face.

"Hurry up you two!" Robin shouted.

"Aww jelous love~" Y/n smirked, exchanging a look with Harry.

The two walked over both placing a kiss on Robins face, one on the left, one of the right. Making the green duck red from embarrassment.

Yeah this was a good day. >:3

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