⋆ Digitaldream ⋆

305 23 34

Requested by CHERUBBLE

Word count: 832

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The technology expert looked over at his research, the information he had gathered in a Word document about the concept dreams.

As a computer he never had experienced such a thing but after stumbling onto YouTube videos about people sharing their dreams and talking about the meanings behind it, it had intrigued him.

He wondered if could experience similar things and what it would be like.

If only there was someone who could help him...


Larry walked past the game room, minding his own business till a loud glitchy voice called out, urging him to stop. He clumsily came to a halt, almost falling into the doorframe.

"Heyy, whats-up?" Larry asked, as he focused his eyes on the other.

"I want to dream." Colin explained.

Larry grinned, nodding his head. "Niceee, definitely recommend it."

Colin let out a impatient sigh. "Right, now let me experience a dream."

"It doesn't work like that... you have to to go sleep first." Larry said back, shaking his head.

The computer and lamp where at the attic, sitting close together on one of the dusty carpets.

"Are you sure this will work?"

"Yyupppp! You just close your eyes and I'll take you to the realm of dreams myself."

Larry let out a tired yawn but quickly covered it up not wanting to seem inadequate for the job.

He made himself comfortable, leaning against his companion. The feeling of getting in contact with cold hard metal the other consisted didn't bother him.

Colin suppressed a shout, he didn't have much of problem with others touching him anymore as he had in the past but a warning would've been appreciated.

He didn't move away though, just letting it happen. Closing his eyes he waited for patiently for the other to his thing.

The curtains where closed, making the room dark. The lamp himself emitted a soft yellow glow from under his lampshade while the computer emitted had a soft green glow from his digital screen.

Whenever Colin saw Larry around in the house, the other guy was very loud, clumsy and practically all over the place. Having such a peaceful moment together was actual really nice and comforting.

Unintentionally he leaned into the hug.

"You can have a dream about numbers and code! And you can have a dream about-" Larry sang as he pulled Colin into the magical realm of dreams.

The world was cartoonish, very bright and very colorful. There where numbers floating around and many more strange images

"This is looking quite... what was the term again?" Colin said, falling still for a couple of seconds to look up the word. "Funky, right that's a fitting description." The anwser flashed onto his screen, followed up with the image of a smiley.

He walked up towards a hallways containing multiple red doors. Cautiously he opened one, looking inside.

Behind the door was a whole different scenery, a badly made copy of himself sitting on a bench while a horse ride past him.

"Why do I see myself?"

"Hehe I see you went to explore, like it here?"

"I have yet to determine that, what is there more to see. I wanna know about everything this world has to offer." Colin said in a serious tone, while he made additional notes all the while he was talking.

"Let me show you the other rooms!" Larry joyfully agreed, grabbing Colins hand and dragging him away.

"What is this place supposed to be?"

"My favorite spot... I really wanted to show ya."

The lamp was still holding on to hand of the computer, so the two didn't get separated. He lead the other towards the last door of the hallway.

Upon entering the room, the scenery changed to a starry night with a singular bench in the middle of nothing.

Literally there was no ground, it was like a transparent glass floor.

The two living objects took a seat and stared up above. The visitor stared in awe, enjoying the beautiful sky.

It was a fake obviously, they where in the dreamworld afterall but it felt realistic. Much better than any pictures of the nightstand the computer could find on the internet.

"Do you hang out here often?" Colin asked, turning his head to face the other.

"Yes, it makes me feel calm and peaceful whenever I am here." Larry anwsered truthfully, with a soft smile on his face.

"I can see why." Colin said back with a smile of his own, he closed of the document containing his notes.

He rather enjoyed the moment as it was, his research could wait for now.

"I don't think I mentioned it yet to but thank you for taking me here and this whole dreamworld in general." Colin said genuinely, his eyes lighting up as he gave Larry a grateful look.

"Don't mention it buddy, I'm glad to hear you enjoyed yourself. Your company was very enjoyable." Larry replied, playfully nudging Colin.

The two shared a laugh before going back to staring at the sky in a comfortable silence.

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