⋆ Fluffybird ⋆

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Word count: 1321

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As Robin was finishing his to-do list he quickly scanned his room, trying to determine if all his necessities where still in the place he had last left them.

...they where not.

Immediately he got up, calmly walking downstairs where he heard multiple familiar voices talking.

With entering the living room he got greeted by Harry who was watching television with Manny. In a fauteuil next to the couch sat Tony, a usual grumpy expression on his face as he read the newspaper.

The clock was occasionally glaring at the tv, he wasn't the biggest fan of the electronic device, he made some passive aggressive remarks about it which the red mop and yellow puppet ignored.

They must be watching the show they couldn't finish last week due to the interruption with the lesson.

Although Robin wasn't such a big of television programs (he rather read a good book), but it gave him a good excuse to cuddle up against Harry and 'accidentally' fall asleep on his shoulder.

Yet now was not the time for that, he had other plans in mind.

Robin awkwardly waved at Harry trying undermine a blush that was beginning to show on his face.

For a moment he redirected his attention towards the culprit he was looking for and had predicted who would be here too.

Paige was on the dinning table, having ripped out a page of herself and using it as a canvas to paint on... with the paint she stole from him.

"I told you not to take my stuff whitout my permission."

"Sorry friend my artistic inspiration needed a outlet but my personal supply's are missing so I took the liberty to lend some of yours."

"You could've asked."

"You would've said no."

"And your right about that." Robin huffed annoyed before collecting himself again. "I'm just gonna have to buy new paint again. Harry get up we are going to Walmart."

The red mop looked up, giving the green duck a thumbs up.

"Sure." He said monotonous before turning toward sideways. "Manny I'll be gone with Robin for a hour or so, Tony and Paige will watch over you till we are back."

Manny nodded his head. "Mister time man you should watch with me!" He happily exclaimed as began pulling on Tony's long puppet like arm for attention.

The clock let out a tired groan before eventually complying, he sat down next to the yellow puppet who quickly began summarizing the whole plot to the best of his abilities as a child.

Robin and Harry shared a look of amusement, most of the teachers where... not the most caring or nice overall but after a truce was made between students and teachers.

Seeing someone stern as the Tony give in to Manny's request and listening to his rambling was funny in a way.

About five minutes later Robin and Harry where in the car, driving toward Walmart. The red mop was behind the steering wheel conversing with the green duck. "So what do you need to get? Anything else beside paint or that's all?"

"I am planning on re-decorating my room, give the walls a new color, get rid of some furniture." Robin anwsered, the auto tune in his voice got higher pictedd out of excitement as he began rambling on.

"Sounds like a big project, if you need some help let me know." Harry hummed.

"I don't want to inconvenience you."

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