⋆ Lily + Todney & Reader ⋆

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Be careful with that you wish for-

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Be careful with that you wish for-

This story is inspired by the drawing on top, I found inspiration the moment I saw it.

Platonic relationships

Word count: 1042

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Y/n was playing at the playground, they climbed up in a wooden tower made for the kids to play in. They overlooked the area noticing nothing had changed so far.

Mom was sitting on one of the benches talking to someone on her phone. Way to busy to go on the swings together... which she promised!

There where a few kids and parents here as well, one particular big family stood out. Holding a picknick on the grass, many kids and adults where around.

Y/n watched the siblings play together with the growing feeling of jealousy. Secretly wishing to be part of that family in particular. Everyone looked so happy and eager to spend time together.

It was lonely being a only child, they only had their mom who was mostly busy with work. Whenever the two did go out she was on her phone.

Y/n whished to be part of a family they saw in those happy movies on tv.

With a loud huff the young child kicked one of the wooden bars on the tower, immediately letting out a cry of pain when it only hurted themselves.

"It's not fair! I want a large family." They mumbled, tears starting to form in their eyes.

Y/n turned away from the sight of their mother, slumping down against the wooden bars they kicked. An silly idea forming in their mind, having seen mom do it a couple of times.

Maybe praying would help!

"If god is listening, I want siblings. Preferably two so I'll never be alone and have someone to play with."

Y/n let out a disappointment sigh when nothing happened, feeling dumb for even trying. But a strange sound caught their attention, it sounded like someone was running toward them.

It where really light footsteps though, of someone or something small. Another kid on the playground maybe?

The child stood up looking over the wooden bars to stare at the ground, trying to locate where the sound was coming from.

It was slightly unnerving and putting them on edge maybe it would be best to return to mom-

Before Y/n could finish their thoughts they felt a sharp pain in their head, like something really heavy was being slammed onto it. Even worse they got pushed of the wooden tower falling towards the ground.

"AAHH-" They screamed before everything went black.

"You think we should wake them up Lily?"

"Oh Todney let's give them a bit more time."

Two childlike voices spoke up as the fallen child regained consciousness after the hard fall. There was a lingering feeling of pain and they instinctively put their hands on their head to rub the sore spot.

Y/n opened their eyes to see two other kids who looked a lot like each other. They both had blond hair and smimilar sweater. Twins?

Still very much confused they looked around, they where still on the playground but the air felt different... more suffocating in a way.

The sky was darker but not as to indicate rain, it was more that the colors looked dull. It was also really quiet all of sudden. No noises of kids playing around and being loud. In fact no one was around except the trio standing beneath the wooden tower.

It was as if you where in a parallel world but that is silly.

"Wha... what happened?" Y/n asked, feeling close to crying but keeping it together as they didn't want to embarrass themselves before these other kids.

They tried to locate their mom but she was nowhere to be seen, worrying them slightly.

The girl spoke up, her voice excited. "Oh hey, you're finally awake. You hid your head on a brick... ouch!! Glad your okay." She smiled, her arms crossed behind her back.

The boy happily clasped his hands together. "We couldn't help but wonder if you wanted to hang out with us."

Y/n's innocent eyes looked between the twins, who both looked eager to play with them. They quickly forgot about the strange accident they where in a moment ago.

There was a weird feeling in their stomach, a bit like when you ate the shrimp mom made for dinner and turned out to be expired leaving them with a stomach age lasting for a couple of days.

A bad feeling... but this was the first time they got asked to hang out together with other kids. This wasn't a opportunity they could pass up.

They smiled back brightly at the other kids, stretching out their hand for the others to shake it. "I'm Y/n! It's very nice to meet you, I hope we can be friends!"

Strangely only Todney shook it while Lily kept her hands behind her back, continuing to smile ever so sweetly.

"Friends you say... maybe we could be more than that, I prefer the term family." The boy said mysteriously, as he grabbed their hand dragging them toward the swings knowing his sister would follow soon.

Y/n's face lit up, letting Todney drag them away feeling excited for how this would turn out. It felt like heaven listened to their prayers of wanting siblings.

Lily's smile widened, it started to look off putting. She waited a few seconds to finally drop the object she had been holding onto.

A large heavy brick fell on the grass, laying motionless. She didn't spare it a second glance, walking over to her brother and soon-to-be new sibling.

A family should spend quality time together.

So that was exactly what the twins where gonna do, they would play as much with their new sibling till they where so happy they would NEVER wanna leave.

That good for nothing mom the child had wasn't important anymore. Y/n now had a new family, a better one, one where they had siblings.

This is what you wanted afterall.

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