⋆ Unemployed Brendon x Reader ⋆

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AAH- Family drama and tragedy my favorite little briefcase got himself into. I wanted to make a comfort fic but ended with angst and suffering.



Word count: 1422

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Brendon walked away through the busy crowd of people and creatures out on the street. Quickly crossing a pedestrian crossing road, avoiding a car at the last second.

From the distance he could hear his brother calling for him to stop. The familiar voice made him only increase his speed.

The smaller briefcase ducked past a couple holding hands and sprinted past a few construction workers. He roughly wiped the tears away from his eyes that where beginning to fall.

When he felt like he was safe he leaned against a empty wall, letting out a shaky breath. He momentarily closed his eyes, trying to calm himself.

A tap on his shoulder made him shiver and shrink not daring to look up.

Oh god please no! Didn't he go through enough already-

"Are... are you okay?" A gentle voice asked, catching the other of guard.

In front of him was a unfamiliar looking worried, they crouched down beside him.

Brendon tried to smile back, wanting to say everything was 'fine' even tough it was not. He was feeling nauseous, disoriented and dizzy. His hands where shaking intensely.

"Hey it's gonna be alright, I'm here for you." Y/n said, placing a comforting hand on the man, realizing they where having a panic attack. "Close your eyes and take deep breaths."

Brendon did as they where told, steadily calming down as Y/n spoke to him. Unconsciously he had grabbed onto their hand, holding onto it desperately like it was a last life line.

Once he noticed what he was doing he quickly let go embarrassed. He curled up in a ball, his breathing had returned to normal.

Now all he felt was tiredness and a deep sadness and sense of humiliation, remembering the earlier events of today.

His novel... burned to a crisp in front of his eyes, gone in a matter of seconds. And his brother looking at him with that look of utter disappointment.

"I...I think... I'm alright-" He lied. "I'm totally fine."

"You do?" They replied, unconvinced. "Y'know it's alright to not be alright. We all have those day but I'd like to stay with you till you stand again."

"Y-You don't need to sit on his cold floor for me!" Brendon shouted, feeling guilty. "I'll be on my way s-soon."

"Don't worry about me, I'm just help to help someone out who needs it." Y/n said softly continuing to talk letting out a pained sigh. "I've been in the same spot as you before, multiple times. Stress and panic attacks aren't great."

The two shared a look of understanding, continuing to sit on the ground in silence. The smaller briefcase relaxed again, this time accepting the help of the human without struggling.

It was as of something had switched inside the tiny living object. He was used to bottling up his feelings, he never properly talked to someone about his struggles

But for once he let it out and this time not in a fit of rage or by trying to slam a hole in the walls of his bedroom.

He just talked in a calm tone, feeling defeated and vulnerable. He recalled his memories, how for the hundredth time he had been told he would never succeed in life by someone that was supposed to care about him.

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