⋆ Speaker x Reader ⋆

761 29 29

Word count: 1017

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Speaker was chilling on her designated place on the walls of the elevator. Humming a tune that had gotten stuck in her head.

She could feel the presence of the Carehound, who was in his own spacious room connected to elevator. It wasn't visible until it was necessary for their factory mascot to appear.

A few hours went by but a strange new feeling manifested in Speaker. It had been a while since any coworker was send down here for a counseling session to deal with stress.

It was a lonely job at times, the monstrous canine was nice to have around but the elevator AI couldn't exactly converse with him.

She craved something or someone new to talk to... maybe when another coworker was send down she could keep them down here for just a bit longer.

Mr Peterson wouldn't mind that right?

Y/n tried to make sense of new layout of the building, for some reason their new boss Mr. Peterson had changed rules and reconstructed multiple floors.

They already had trouble navigating their way before, now it was three times worse.

Things didn't make sense, like a unfinished staircase leading into the ceiling where there was no opening. Just walls blocking of any path. Thankfully they spotted Claire, just turning around a corner.

"Girl! Wait up-" Y/n shouted, sprinting after their favorite coworker.

"Watch out." Claire replied as she caught the other into her arms before they could trip.

"You have no idea how glad I am to see you or else I would have gotten lost again. This whole new layout is terrible!" Y/n exclaimed relieved, hugging the other for comfort.

"Shsss you gotta be careful with your words, Mr. Peterson doesn't like it when people talk bad about his ideas." Claire hugged back, whispering nervously. Her cheerfull smile had disappeared and she was now anxiously looking around if anyone was listening

"Really now? He's only been appointed the new boss for a few days, I don't think I could get into serious trouble." Y/n replied, waving away the concerns.

Apparently a snitch had told the boss about a certain coworkers complaints, your complaints.

Y/n had a dreadful expression as it felt like the time went by in slow motion. They got lead into a small room, which was a elevator to be taken downstairs.

They just got fired and not only that... they where also for into a unfamiliar space with no clear explanations given at all.

The human looked around to see anything that could anwsers. They locked eyes with a brightly lit screen that had a pixelated face.

"Hi there, how was your day today?" A cheerful voice asked.

"uH- I guess not so good, I got fired and now I'm stuck here." A more timid voice replied, almost hesitantly.

Speaker made a screen of four buttons appear, each a member of the emoji family. Explaining the other had to select one to properly show their mood.

Y/n stared at the screen with growing confusion and a strange feeling something was very wrong. Though not wanting to upset the other they pressed one of the buttons.

"Ah so your feeling stressed."

"Well... no? Maybe-"

"Your in luck! I'm a counselor in dealing with stress, tell me problems and I'll ease your worries." Speaker smiled sweetly.

"Look that's really nice and all but I rather just go back up again, I really need to go." Y/n mumbled, letting out a awkward chuckle.

The athmospheer seemed more tense after that sentence though. The smile of the elevator AI darkened. "That's just to bad, cause I insist you stay."

The human moved further away from the electronic device, as far as was allowed in this not so spacious room. "W-why w-would you want t-that?"

Speaker had a thoughtful expression. "Call it boredom, I think you make a wonderful companion."

Y/n shook their head, trying to deny that statement. "I'm not that great, truly I think anyone would be a better fit than me."

The pixelated mouth on the digital screen turned into a playful smile but the eyes where staring intently at the other.

Her new companion.

"It's adorable to see you lie like that, now I'm only more determined to keep you here." She said, having found a new entertainment here the robots mind was set on keeping the former coworker here.

"I don't want to be here!" They replied, more desperately this time.

Seeing no use in arguing the elevator AI opened a small door. Purple smoke began to appear but not enough to obstruct any vision.

"Why the upset behavior, if you have any complaints you can register them with our cuddly mascot."

"Just wispher your complaints very quietly into the mouth of the Carehound." Speaker firmly stated, pressuring Y/n to take a step forward.

The human looked up with hope, seeing as the opening might lead to a exit but as a monstrous canine appeared from the hole they backed off standing closer to the elevator AI hoping for protection.

"Don't worry he doesn't bite... unless I ask him too." Speaker said with amusement.

"Geez- Thanks for the head up." Y/n said back sarcastically.

After looking better, it wasn't actually that bad. The Carehound was just a tall blue colored dog... with four eyes and a large set of sharp teeth but quite adorable looking nonetheless.

The workplace mascot walked closer his snout touching the others leg.

Okay maybe you where a little scared afterall-

With trembling hands Y/n decided to slowly reach out to pet Carehound on his head. He seemed to like it as he let out a happy bark before nuzzling his face closer against them.

"Aww look at you two getting along, very fortunate indeed. The Carehound doesn't just like anybody, your lucky to still be alive~"

The human frowned deeply, giving the elevator AI a annoyed glance. Determined to get out of the claustrophobic inducing space.

You wouldn't let that electric device get the better of you.

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