⋆ Warren x Reader ⋆

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Requested by urmomassans

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Word count: 950

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As Warren magically got himself into Manny's brain he couldn't help but admire the space the kid created for himself.

It was quite colorful and lively, there where a group of unique figures surrounding his student. Diverse from a talking teeth to a walking bathtub.

But one stood out in particular, a human dressed in a bright colored superhero uniform. With a sweet smile they watched over the yellow puppet, making sure he didn't end up hurting himself.

Wow they where breathtaking! BUT it wasn't the time to wait around-

"OK STOP, I want you to ask yourself does any of this look real to you?" Warren said as he posed in front of the group, his back actually facing the others. "Or does it in fact look like a made up place in your head?"

Before he could say more things... for example more negative things someone put a hand on his shoulder making him turn around with a confused expression.

The worms breath hitched as he saw that human again, his face heated up but he tried not to let it show.

"Err what-" He stuttered at a loss for words, suddenly not remembering what he wanted to say.

"Pardon my interruption but who are you?" They said back.

Manny frowned at the intruder who clearly wasn't part of his favorite memories or imagination.

Was he here to bring him back to the house?

He looked over at Y/n with a worried look, they where his imaginary superhero. He didn't want to lose them or his other new friends.

Sensing the distress of the yellow puppet the human narrowed their eyes at the worm. No matter what happened they would protect the kid and the other imaginary friends.

Surprisingly everyone else began complimenting the 'Eagle' and talking to him normally.

Warren found all the positivity rather thrilling and had a goofy smile on his face from all the attention he was receiving.

Y/n backed away walking toward Manny who had moved backwards away from the others. They kneeled in front of him, giving a warm smile.

"If there's anything wrong, don't be afraid to let me know."

"I'm afraid he's here to take me back."

Manny pointed at Warren, a tear falling from his eyes. He really didn't want to go home with him.

"And then I'll never see any of you again, I don't want to lose you and the others."

"No matter what we will always be in your heart and mind. I'll see what I can do."

Having said that Y/n walked back to Warren, with a goal in mind. They firmly grabbed his hand pulling him away, to another side of the room where they had more privacy.

"Wow! Wait I was just about to put on my podcast, I..." He said out surprise, glancing back at the boom box and brain friends who looked actually relieved at this.

Yumpherdinker put on a song on the boom box and the others began singing and dancing. First tooth asked Manny to join and his expression brightened.

Y/n's heart warmed at seeing that. Yup this was where Manny was happy and they wouldn't let someone ruin that happiness for him.

"You." They said back more authoritative making the him shrink back. "State your name and business here."

"I'm Warren! I'm technically here to bring back that student... and go out on a restaurant style meal."

"That ain't gonna happen, either you go back on your own wherever you came from or you stay here without causing trouble."

Y/n pulled the Warren by the collar of his shirt closer to them."I'll be keeping a close watch on you."

Warren looked up, now sweating profusely. "That actually wouldn't be to bad of an idea... I don't mind staying here with you."

"Good." They replied, thinking the problem was solved, oblivious to his growing crush on them.

The was seeing this as a sign began to nervously play with his hat. Preparing his next and very important question.

"Would yo-you perhaps be interested in g-going out on a d-date?"

"A date?"

"Yes! It's when two people go out together romant- *COUGH* as good friends. We could go out to eat or just converse with eachother." Warren tried to say convincing as can be.

Y/n didn't see harm in this, thinking of it as a good opportunity themselves. "Alright let go on this 'date' but only if you promise never to bother Manny and you gotta pinky-promise." They smirked smugly, like it was the most smart idea ever.

A pinky promise was sacred, it was for the yellow puppet at least and so it was the same for their imaginary superhero.

Warren nodded his head, slowly intertwining his finger with Y/n's.

"I pinky promise."

"It's settled them, where do you wanna go out? The sky is the limit!"

The human said smiling brightly, picking up the worm with ease.

They began to float in the air, they could having superpowers and all. The friendship expert was quite light. He wrapped his arms around them for more security.

"You can fly?" He said excitedly, he himself always dreaming of flying.

Once he turned into a eagle he too could do it.

Y/n nodded their head proudly, flying up to the ceiling doing a twirl with Warren still in their hands.

"Of course and I can do a whole lot more!" They hummed happily.

"Your amazing!" He shouted in awe and adoration.

The human smiled, feeling flattered. The worm was eventually put down on the ground.

"Thanks, your not so bad yourself either."

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