⋆ Unemployed Brendon x Reader PART TWO ⋆

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The part two you where some of you where waiting for. HERE YA GO <33

Word count: 1198

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The house phone ringed, it made Ethan immediately look up. He wiped his hand on the kitchen short he was wearing, putting the fire from the stove on a lower volume before walking over the phone.

"Hello! Your speaking with Ethan, how can I be of service." He cheerfully said, expecting it was probably his work calling him up for another assignment he had to finish.

"Um- hi? I'm a acquaintance of Brendon, I was wondering if I could speak to him." The voice of the other end said.

"My brother, what business could you possibly have with him? I could call him over but he's currently locked himself in his room." Ethan said, looking over at Brendon's room with sad sigh. "He's a handful but I can notify him of your call."

"That would be appreciated." Y/n replied before the phone got disconnected.

When the briefcase hanged up the call he returned to the kitchen. A bit later he called over his brother for dinner who flat out refused to come out.

He didn't come out until a two hours later, Ethan was sitting at the dinner table buddy filling in work sheets. Though his glasses he only looked for a second before continuing focusing on his work again.

He didn't need any distractions.

There was a strange feeling like he forgot something... like notifying someone of a call they got but it slipped his mind.

Absently he pointed at the fridge. "There are some leftovers in there, knock yourself out with it."

Brendon didn't say anything back only grabbing a glass of water drinking it on one go. Although his brothers cooking was good he didn't want it.

He walked over to the front door of the apartment, putting on a shawl and heading outside for a some fresh air.

Staying in his room felt suffocating, his lifework was gone. He needed a distraction and staying at home only fueled the depressing thoughts.

He walked through the city, the roads where empty and dark. Brendon stood still for a closed bookshop, he stared intently at the shop window promoting it's newest books.

He always dreamed of publishing his own, writing was his passion.

Brendon always thought that if he tried his best and gave it his all, one day his book would be enjoyed by the audience of readers.

Guess he should just accept it wasn't meant to be...

The briefcase slowly turned away from the shop, deciding it was time to go home. When he arrived by the door he realized he forgot to bring his keys.

He looked through the small glass window seeing Ethan passed out on the dinner table. Probably from working all day, he was always stressed with everything.

He took it upon himself to work everyday, cook, clean and do groceries without a rest. He did his best at that, if only he was more supportive to his own family Brendon could actually start to enjoy his presence.

He still forgave his brother for the hurtful things he'd done, it was his family. The only one he had and when he started writing 'The ultimate forgiveness' he realized holding a grudge forever wouldn't help in the long run.

Sometimes forgiveness was the right remedy and he too could put more effort into the relationship.

But it was still hurtful to be called 'unemployed' Brendon-

Half an hour had past with the smaller briefcase sitting on the outside porch of the appartement. For some reason he decided against waking the larger briefcase up, allowing his brother to sleep in peace.

So now he was shivering in the cold outside, in selfregret of losing his novel.

When he heard footsteps approach from the right he didn't look up, thinking it was just a passerby heading out late at night.

But the footsteps halted before speading up and stopping in front of him. Brendan looked up confused, unsure if he was seeing it right.

Y/n was standing in front of him, looking out of breath. Their expression was also one of similar confusion seeing him here.

"For a second I thought I was hallucinating but it really is you!" The human exclaimed as a wide grin spreading on their face. "Hi Brendon, fancy seeing you here~"

"Wai- Y/n?! What are you doing here?" The briefcase had a bewildered expression. From anyone he could've met at this hour he hadn't been expecting them in the slightest.

"Since you didn't call back I decided to just deliver your personal belongings in your mailbox. To think we get to meet in real again is such a pleasant surprise."

"What are you talking about, how did you find me? N-not that I'm complaining, I don't mind the company at all."

Y/n opened their backpack carefully pulling out... HIS BOOK?!

"My novel, you found it!" Brendon shouted with excitement, happy tears falling from his face. He jumped up engulfing Y/n into a tight hug. "Thank youthankyouthankyou-"

Y/n was hugged him back, having a silly expression as the two shared a nice moment. Brendon glanced between his novel and his literal savior with a flustered expression.

"How did you find me?" He asked, out of breath.

"You wrote it down in the book silly." They replied, letting out a amused laugh.

"Did... did you read it?" The briefcase nervously asked, panic sinking in.

"Yup! It was really good, by any chance are you a professional writer?" The human said, nodding their head.

The question made Brendon smile and he shyly looked away. "I'm not but I do aspire it, it's my dream to publish my own books."

Y/n grabbed his hands, their eyes sparkling. "That's so cool, I'll be like your number one fan."

The briefcase couldn't believe what he was hearing, he never received such positive feedback. It made him feel giddy and warm on the inside.

He carefully put his book inside his body, storing it safely not wanting to made the same mistake twice. The briefcase listened to the human rambling on about the story he wrote and which parts they especially enjoyed.

Brendon's face reddened and he tried to think of something smart to say or to do. It was getting more cold outside so maybe it would be better if they continued talking inside.

"I would love to invite to my home but I locked myself out and I don't want to wake my brother up."

AAHHH- That sounded so stupid, why did he say that!!

"Y-you could come to visit my house, it's not to far away. Only if you want to of course..." Y/n began to say mumbling nervously the last part rather embarrassed. They began to realized how much they where rammeling.

"I- I would love too." Brendon mumbled back.

The two looked at each other with red faces, Y/n began leading the way to their house with Brendon walking close by.

Maybe they where both a bit socially awkward- But it didn't matter as they where quite happy getting know eachother.

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