⋆ Fluffybird ⋆

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Requested kittylv036

Requested kittylv036

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Word count: 866

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It was nothing day, a perfectly peaceful day with nothing to do.

At least that is how he saw it, Harry was personally quite a fan of the agenda. Hopefully it meant no singing objects and free time for himself.

He couldn't help mentioning how nice it was to do nothing on this particular day but someone was not in a mood to agree on that.

Robin was looking for something exciting to do and mocking around doing nothing wasn't the thing for him. '

'No, it's to dull.'' He sternly said.

''Only dull people think things are dull...'' Was the reply.

''What? I'm not dull, I'm the best one!" Taking bigger offense to those words the green duck frowned at his companion, puffing up his feathered chest.

''Right.'' The red mop sarcastically laughed, leaning back in his chair.

''Like your the fun one to be around, your monotone voice drains out everyones smile!'' He shouted, his voice getting higher pitched.

''As if the autotune on your voice is relaxing to listen to.'' He retaliated in a monotone tone.

''Guys, don't fight.'' The yellow puppet mumbled, in a attempt to calm the two arguing.

He stood in-between them keeping them apart but it was clear from his scared expression he didn't like staring between angry hot heads. ''I don't want to see you two fighting...''

Robin and Harry shared a apologetic look, they didn't mean to upset Manny.

The two exchanged a apology, which earned them a smile from the smaller boy and eventually the trio went on with their day.

YET there was still some underlying tension between the puppets.

"Do I have to do everything around here in the house? It surely would be nice if there was a strong reliable man out here to help me." Robin huffed, as he let a few dirty dishes fall back into the kitchen sink.

He was currently cleaning the kitchen and silverware on his own. He hadn't been able to found his other roommates this morning and to kill time he decide to do some chores.

Halfway he got tired though but was to much of a clean freak to let the kitchen stay filthy. So he now was grumpily continuing on, to prideful to stop.

At the others arrival he couldn't help but point out how he himself was actively helping around in the house while the other was slacking off.

"Oh sorry pretty princes but I was busy getting the groceries. Don't mind me providing us food." Harry immediately replied, loudly placing two full bags of food on the semi clean kitchen counter.

The two glared at each other, ready to fire off more insults wrapped into a pretty words and playful banter.

"I see my prince charming has arrived, if you took any longer I might have fallen into a forever sleep waiting for you." Robin let out a dramatic sigh. One of his feathery hands was pointed accusingly into Harry's chest.

"Don't be such a damsel in distress, you can take care of yourself." Harry mockingly laughed, grabbing a hold of the finger jabbing into him. With a swift motion he pulled Robin against him.

"Of course I can, who would need someone like you... y-you YOU idiot!"

"I guess you then also don't want these flowers I took home for ya!"

The red mop reached into of the the bags he brought home, pulling out a pretty bouquet of flowers.

Unsure why but he felt the need to show them off, he had bought them as a small surprise gift for the other.

Harry let out a embarrassed cough as he awkwardly held onto Robin, he hadn't even realized he was holding onto his waist.

The green duck caught on too, quickly taking a step back. The close proximity between them almost left him breathless.

He glanced over at the flowers, taking in the colors and sent. It surely was nice to receive something like this once in a while.

"Wait you bought these for me? Wow these are gorgeous- I mean absolutely hideous. " His voice softened as he stared at the gift meant for him. His face slowly turning red. Remembering he was supposed to act annoyed his words strayed back to harshness.

"I obviously don't want this but I'd be a waste to throw them away. Might as well keep it."

"Do what you want with them, like I care..."

Harry spun around, ready to leave this wretched kitchen to collect his thoughts in the living room. He ignored the voice in his head, one that was telling him to stay with his annoying yet lovable roommate.

Robin meanwhile was hiding his flustered face into the bouquet. Not wanting anyone to see him like this. Only when the the other had left he gently placed the flowers into a sparkling vase, staring at it with a adoring look.

Secretly Manny was silently watching in his hiding spot by the stairs, wondering when his two favorite and only roommates would finally confess to eachother.

Anyone could see something was up between them!

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