⋆ Colin x Reader ⋆

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Requested by Mimicries

Requested by Mimicries

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Word count: 1008

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Colin woke up confused, he put up his hands to inspect the square room he was apparently in.

Wait was this a carton box? What was he doing in here-

The last thing he remembered was having a argument with Roy, maybe getting upset with his creator wasn't the smartest thing to do.

From the outside he could hear muffled sounds, and he could feel how the box was being lift up and placed somewhere else.

The computer backed away to the furthest side as a knife was poking through at the top. A opening was created and finally some sunlight shined onto the object.

Two pair of hands easily picked him up, carefully placing him onto a large table. Y/n stared at Colin confused, realizing this wasn't the thing they ordered online.

"Did I get the wrong package.... I'm pretty sure I ordered a MacBook."

"Hey! I am far more superior than that flashy good for nothing new technology!"

The humans eyes widened, quickly taking a step back. They watched in fascination as the old fashioned computer crossed his arms, raising one of his eyes at them.

"Oh really? Well I paid a hefty price for my package and I'd like to know where my order is." Y/n let out with a huff, getting gradually more worried about all the money. A talking computer was nice and all but that wouldn't pay off the 2000 they spended.

"Don't look at me like that. I am just as confused as you are." Colin said back, holding his hands up defensively.

The two stared at eachother with a uncertain look, both didn't know what to do with eachother.

"Maybe they got the wrong adress?" Y/n offered, scanning the box for extra labels but it really was for them.

"I'm not some merchandise, I have a home of my own." Colin replied, making the imagine of a pink house appear on his digital screen. "Oh look! There is piece of paper attached on the back."

Y/n grabbed a hold of it, reading the words out loud.

|| You don't know me and it's better to stay that way.
For personal reasons I decided to get rid of my old junk, this computer being one of them.

You can do as you please with him, in return I took possession of your MacBook. No, your not getting it back.


There was a long pause, the expressions of the two had drastically changed.

Y/n having a more offended look, not appreciating the clear package theft. Muttering curses under their breath at this 'Roy' guy and planning how to get back at him.

While Colin had frozen up, realizing the message Roy had left behind. He was disregarded as junk... useless and therefore kicked out of the house.

Send to someone else... without even a goodbye to the others.

The technology teacher let out a chuckle but it wasn't one of happiness. It was more of him trying to cope with the sudden realization of his bad situation.

Even if he tried to return to the pink house he knew he wouldn't he let in that easily. He was on his own now.

"Dude you okay?" Y/n asked concerned, noticing the others reaction.

"WwhatTt YYeah I'm finEeee." Colin lied, his voice beginning to glitch out, something that could happen if he didn't feel alright.

The human narrowed their eyes in worry not believing the computer. It was clear the message of the note had something to do with it.

A bit of time had passed, Y/n was currently in the kitchen filling a cup of tea for themselves. They looked over at Colin who was sitting on the couch, sad music playing from his speakers.

They returned to living area, sitting bedside the dejected object. Not being able to help but feel sorry for the poor guy.

"I... I sHoUldd go, I'm pRobablYy a burden too yOu."

"I know we haven't known eachother long but I don't mind you staying here."

The human gave a small smile trying to lift the mood. They didn't know why but felt a strange connection to the computer. He looked like he needed some comfort.

Colin looked up surprised, not expecting the invitation to stay. But as more negative thoughts had clouded his mind he couldn't help but feel like he didn't even deserve that.

"I... dOnt deservvE thatt." He mumbled. "I'll juSt be in the WAyy."

Afterall he was just useless junk...

"Don't say that, your plenty cool and helpful!" Y/n shouted with confidence. "Your a talking computer, I've never seen someone like you before."

"So far since we met I haven't considered you a burden ever. Don't put yourself down, you deserve so much better." They continued talking, gently reaching out a hand to pat the other on his head.

The computer flinched at the touch, at which the human quickly pulled back thinking they overcrossed a boundary.

"S-sorry didn't mean to touch of if it makes you uncomfortable."

Colin has been taken aback by the compliments and pep talk he had received. The positivity towards him greatly helping him out of his depressed state aswell as boosting his ego.

Out of instinct he had moved away from the hand but there was a burning sensation coming from deep within telling him to accept the touch.

He really wanted to be held and comforted.

Colin slowly reached out one of his gloved hands taking a hold of Y/n's hand and placing it on top of his head.

"Comfort?" He asked for, feeling a bit embarrassed. His screen showing a imagine of two people hugging next to the image of a question mark.

"Aww of course." They replied, softly stroking his head and wrapping their other arm around him for a hug.

The two smiled at eachother, finding comfort in the embrace.

Maybe you've gotten something far more valuable than a MacBook. You would take care of Colin, your new friend.

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