⋆ Colin x Reader ⋆

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Requested by Genocidejustice

Colin's personality in this story is edging closer to the newer episodes, where he was such a sweetheart and a joy to have around.

Word count: 1355

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It was late at night when one of your roommates let out a loud screech. Pretty much waking everyone in the dormitory.

Y/n quickly walked over to the room next doors seeing what drama was about. Walking in, all that there was to see was a computer laying on the floor like it had been purposefully thrown on the wooden planks.

On closer inspection it was more like a old antique piece of metal, with a bow broken digital screen. A bit of the glass was scattered around on the floor.

"Y/n you won't believe what just happened! The computer just came alive."


The roommate in question that was making a fuss looked in distress but what they said sounded ridiculous.

"I swear it's haunted, can you please get rid of it?"

"Alrighty, let me take care of the computer since it's creeping you out so much and get a better look at it."

Without thinking to much of it, not all that scared to be honest, Y/n carefully grabbed the computer bringing it to their own room.

They noticed their desk was decorated with quite a lot of their personal supplies, so the human went ahead with not so gracefully shoving everything to the side.

You open pencil case dropped on the ground scattering your drawing utilities. Great-

But continuing with the task at hand they managed to lay the computer down without further damage. It looked like it had already been through a lot.

Colin was pleasantly surprised with the care he was receiving.

He couldn't quite remember what happened before he was brought into this strange new building, his memory was fuzzy.

When he introduced himself to that other person they just screamed and threw him on the ground without any good reason.

That actually hurted a lot! And his glass screen was broken thanks to it.

Contemplating the computer looked over at the human that helped him. He wanted to introduce himself but was hesitant thinking back of his other encounter.

Well he should be able to handle himself, having thought of just the right thing to say. "Do you like oats? They are my... fAVoRiTeS." Colin said, as he made his cartoonish arms appear and forming a heart with his hands.

"Pffttt-" Y/n let out, a mix of a laughing and choking on air.

The human composing themselves, curiously moved their head closer to the talking digital object.

Guess your roomie was right in the end, it really talked! It was more interesting than scary to you.

"I... wow, that's so cool." Y/n mumbled to themselves, referring to how cool it was that a computer could talk.

Colin misunderstood it and interpreted as something else. "You mean liking oats, I would agree on that. I am VERY fond of them." He said, happy to talk more about the things he enjoyed.

"Ye-yeah!" Y/n lied, they didn't hold a particular liking for the mentioned food but for the sake of conversing with the other they wouldn't go against it.

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