⋆ Digitaltime ⋆

751 32 46

Requested by Gwashs7InchCock

Word count: 717

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Tony walked into the gameroom where it was unusually busy. The students where sitting across eachother at the round table in the middle and between each student sat a teacher.

They where all playing monopoly and Robin and Gilbert where the most successful at the moment.

Lace was in jail, sitting out one turn instead of paying for her freedom. Manny was organizing his streets on color and playing with the plastic tiny houses.

Harry was currently paying the bank 15.000 euros in monopoly money for a hefty hospital bill. And Colin... he was sulking as he grabbed the dice that where passed over.

The clock watched amused from the door opening as the computer put on a confident smile, figuring this time luck would be on his side.

He noticed Tony watching him and he on his screen he made the words 'wish me luck' appear. The other nodded his head, doing a thumbs up and whispering back 'you got this'.

As he rolled the dice it became evident that wasn't the case. Gilberts smile turned into a evil smirk as he counted the steps Colin's monopoly figure would have to move. It would end up on his street where he had a hotel on.

Lace snickered as one of her friends face became red of disbelief and frustration. "Oohhh~ Looks like someone is gonna go bankrupt."

"SHuT up yUo cRriMiNAl, yoUR in jAil!" Colin shouted back, not want to admit to the truth.

... he was really losing at this point.

He let out a annoyed hissing sound, waving his arms around. Accidentally tossing the playing board of the table and knocking everything to the side.

Half of players let out a groan at the damage.

A coffee cup belonging to the red mop fell over, the hot liquid fell onto the computer who screamed like a banshee.

The clock immediately rushed over grabbing the table cloth and trying to wipe off the coffee. The computer began to glitch heavily.

"Don't black out, I got you!"

"AaaHhgGGGhhhH! IT BurNs!"

Although the computer made it sound over the top dramatic it was clear he was in pain. The clock tried to comfort the other while simultaneously doing his best to wipe of all the hot liquid.

After a bright flash the screen on Colin's screen went black and he laid motionless in Tony's arms. It was immediately very quiet in the room, everyone began to huddle around the broken down piece of antique.

"Is he gonna be okay?" Manny asked a bit worried.

"Serves him right for ruining the game." Gilbert said, rolling his eyes unbothered.

"Here let me fix him." Lace offered, already having grabbed a screwdriver.

But Tony put up his hand, grabbing the screwdriver from Lace. He would rather do it himself, he cared to much for Colin and wanted recovery to go smoothly.

He was prepared for a malfunction like this, having watched instruction videos on what to do and how to fix (out dated) computers.

He unscrewed the top part of his friends face, reconnecting the wires that got loose and carefully wipe away any liquid that got in the insides.

Everyone watched in silence letting the time teacher do his thing, they where impressed. After ten minutes the screen got screwed back on and the restart button was pressed.

"AH mY head-" Colin groaned as he woke up from his slumber.

Most everyone let out a sight of relief see the technology teacher in good health again and returned to doing there own thing and cleaning up the mess in the game room.

The time teacher was thankfull his friend was conscious once again. Although he didn't let it show on the outside, keeping a cool demeanor he had been worried sick on the inside.

"Good to see your alright." Tony said as he hugged the other close to him.

Colin accepted the hug, liking the attention and comfort he was receiving. He affectionately put his head against Tony who looked like he would pass out himself, from being very tired.

"THaNK yOU." He whispered, placing a very quick kiss on the others head.

"Anything for you." The other whispered back, closing his eyes knowing his friend would watch over him in return.

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