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AFRA'S pov.
Alhamdulilah!(praise be to God), I was able to make it to both weddings, who knew that some of your closed female mates back in the universities could coincidentally have their wedding on the same day and each both of them making you their Cheif bride's maid.
It's so exhausting moving from one venue to another, changing clothes in the ladies bathroom to meet up with the colour code of the event.
I just wish both of them a happy married life and happiness as they begin a new chapter.
And I also pray that I quickly get a cab to take me back home, so I can make it before dinner.

I just hope Tas-alla leaves the door halfway open like she'd promised, Incase I arrive home late.
I can't afford to get caught by my father.
It will be so embarrassing.

Finally I saw Keke (Rickshaw),
This should be manageable! besides it's quite hard to find a taxi now that it's Maghreb Time, most people may be in the mosque now.
"Ah! madam Keke no dey enter that estate oh!, Them go just collect my Keke, until I bring money.
(Sorry but rickshaw's aren't allowed to go into the estate, my rickshaw would probably get seized and I'll have to get it back with lots of money)". The Keke driver complains.
"So where would you stop?".
"Hmmmmm, I fit stop near tha gate but, I no go fit enter oh!
(Close to the main entrance)". He says and I nod in agreement.
"Thor(okay) let's go nah". He says as he starts the engine of the Keke.

I looked at my phone and saw the time.
It's already 7:47pm already, that means I've been on the road for about 36 minutes, this Keke is too slow wallahi(I swear), I should have been home now, I just hope I get into the house without any noise.

Soon I received an incoming call.
The ID caller was Tas-alla.
📱"Hello, Assalam alaykum(Peace be upon you)".
📱"Wa alaykum Salam (May peace upon you), Tas-alla".
📱"Sister Afra, where are you? Father has been asking about your whereabout, and we've been giving him excuse since Maghreb(After sunset) Time". She asks.
📱"Yeah! Thank you, I'll be home soon, have you guys eaten dinner yet?".
📱"Here I am worried about you and you are there worried about food, what a world!
📱"Tas-alla, do you think I'm like you who thinks about nothing but food and the internet?!"
📱"Sister Afra please stop making me sound like a glutton". She complains and I laughed.
📱"Sorry, so have you guys eaten dinner yet?".
📱"Habba!! MTN services again". I complain as I end the call.

"Madam MTN network e bad for this place well-well
(Ma'am MTN service is really bad within this area)". The Keke man advice.
"Uh!! Thank you".

Finally I made it home, the door was halfway open like Tas-alla had promised.
It was so dark and quiet, I lifted my black embroidered Abaya(Islamic female gown) up so that I can walk properly, i got in and quietly tiptoe through the hallway, quickly I made it to the staircase.

"You are late for dinner". A familiar voice roars through the empty hallway as the lights went on while I step on the seventh staircase leading upstairs.
I turned around and my gaze fell on another pair of angry hazel eyes.
It was my father, he was just six staircases away from me.
I gulped in fear and lowered my gaze, he was very angry and would surely start scolding me in the next ten seconds.
"Where are you coming from?". He asks as he steps on the first stairs case leading upstairs.
"Young lady I'm talking to you!". He yells.
I turned and saw all my siblings sitting in the dining room, I'm sure everyone must have been waiting for me.
Ya Allah!(Oh Lord), Please help me.
"ALHAJI AHMAD KASHIM". I heard grandmother's cracky voice roared.
I turned back and saw her standing with my stepmom behind her.
"Why are you barking so late at night?". She asks.
"Why don't you ask your beloved Grand daughter here, why she is home way past Maghreb Time?".
"Here I thought it was a big deal, not knowing that it was an everyday event you were treating like a breaking news that was just announced on TVC news, quit making a mountain out of a molehill". She says in her old shaky voice.
" You may think I'm making a mountain out of a molehill, but no mother, Afra here is the one proving to this family how". He suddenly stops yelling and looks around to see the entire family present.
He sighs and continues.
"So tell us madame bride's maid, how many wedding did you attend today?". He asks and my eye widens.

Oh no!!!!!.
He might have seen my post on Facebook.
"Cats got your tongue now huh!". He asked.
"Why don't you tell your grandma how you were at two weddings today, and you were the Cheif bride's maid of each bride, aren't you ashamed Afra? you happily attend other people's wedding and watch how they leave their parents home into another home, while you.................. you are still here in your parents home with no hopes of marriage, look at Rusöol, she's engaged and her introduction is around the corner, musta'fa is married and happily living with his wife and son outside the country, Tas-alla is already in a relationship and you.......Habba!
You would soon be thirty-one years.........".
"Oh! For heaven sake let her go, afra, please go upstairs my dear child". Grandma insists and I nodded.
"I'm sorry Baba(Native name of father or dad)". I apologized and turn to leave.
"Afra, please freshen up, observe your Maghreb prayers and come downstairs for dinner". Stepmom said in her sweet calm voice.
I really love that woman's voice.
I sigh and closed the door behind me.
"That was a close one". I whispered to myself and quickly undress into my bathrobe.
"Time for nice shower". I suggested as I head into the bathroom.

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