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Monday morning.

AFRA'S pov.
I woke up by the call of the 'adhan' (call to prayer).
Hayya 'ala-s-Salah”.🕌🗣️🔊

Hayya 'ala-l-falah”.🕌🗣️🔊

"La hawla wa la
quwwata illa billah".
I said as I sluggishly came down from the bed.
I yawned tiredly and walked into the bathroom.
My reflection stared right back at me from the mirror, situated on the
left hand side of the wall of the bathroom.
I had a black hair that was curly and shriveled to my
shoulders, I had black almond eyes, my skin was light in complexion.
I picked up my toothbrush and brushed my
teeth, I sipped a cup of mouthwash into
my mouth swishing it around for some seconds then spat it out into the sink.

I was almost done with my ablution when I heard someone calling out my name from outside my bedroom.
I quickly completed my ablution, put on my hijab and walked out of the bathroom.
"Sis are you up already?". Tas-alla asks behind the door, followed by a knock.
"Yes... I'm coming". I replied as I grabbed my Tasbeeh counter.
"Hey sis, how was your sleep?". She asks as we both began to walk to the prayer room.
"It was good Alhamdulilah.. and yours?".
"Booom!!💥💯💨.... The best, I dreamt that I had so many customers on the first day... And you were there too...".

"Tas-alla....I asked how was your sleep,  Habba just say good or maybe BAD". I complained and she Laughs as we both walked into the prayer room.

Soon we were done praying.
Stepmom signals us to go into the kitchen.
I turned to the giant wall clock and it was a few minutes till 6:00pm. I've still got two hours before I leave for work

 I've still got two hours before I leave for work

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"Asalam alaykum sister Afra". Musta'fa greeted as I joined them for breakfast.
"Wa alaykum salam, What about sister in-law?".
"She's upstairs, getting ready". He replied.
"Ok-ay.... Ina Baba? (Where's father?)". I asked again.
"Your father had an important meeting earlier, immediately after ṣalāt al-fajr(Dawn prayer) which he had to attend to, so he left without having his breakfast". Stepmom explained.
"Rusöol dear, I have made some food for him, please take them along, when you're going to the office". She suggested.
I turned to Rusöol and saw she  was in a three layers black Saudi Niqāb.
"How was your night Rusöol?". I asked as I stir my tea.
"I bet it wasn't so great.... have you forgotten what happened yesterday?😅😅". Tas-alla asked wiggling her eyebrows at Rusöol.
Rusöol groans and says.
"Brother, please tell her to stop doing that".
"Stop doing what?.... This". Tas-alla asked wiggling her eyebrows again.
"Don't test my patience this morning". She warned again.
"What patience are you talking about?.... Come on sister Rusöol, just admit that you're so embarrassed, that's why you're wearing a Niqab today, to cover up your entire face". 😝😝😝😛😛😜
"Sister Afra, wallahi if she doesn't keep her mouth shut I'll act like you're not here and slap this stupid girl". Rusöol protested.
"Tas-alla, Ku ci karin kumallo ku daina bata
mata rai
(Tas-alla have your breakfast, stop pestering your elder sister)". Mother scolds her.

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