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NA'IM's pov.

I ranged the doorbell waiting for a response but none.
I rang it over and over, still no replies.
What I'm I doing, this is my home, I don't need to knock before I enter.
I opened the door and walked into the mansion.
Nothing has changed at all since I'd left.
Except for one thing, the mansion
was so quiet than the usual.
I walked over to the pool area and still not a single soul was there.

"Where's everyone?".

I was walking into the dinning room when I heard a familiar female voice.
I stood behind a pillar watching all their actions.

"Yes, please don't forget to bring the lemon juice along with you". She said to the maid.
"Mum, you forgot the cutleries again". Lahad, my younger sister complains.
"Let me go and get it". She added and mother immediately stopped her.
"Don't bother yourself, I'll do it". Mother insists.
"I'll do it...".
"Please let me, I know I'm on a wheelchair, but that doesn't makes me useless". She explains and mum sighs in defeat.
"It's just that I don't want you to stress yourself before your physiotherapist comes tomorrow, so don't act stubborn, I'll go and get it... ok-ay". She explains and stands up to leave.

"Good evening". I greeted as I walked in.
"Good evening...........". Mum freezes after seeing me.
"Good evening mum". I greeted again, soon he eyeballs was filled with tears, she was trying to say something, but she was just too shock to move or speak.
"Brother?!! 🤨🤨😯😲☺️☺️". Lahad called out to me as she wheels herself towards me.
"Na'im?!!". Mother manages to speak as she approaches us.
"Na'im my son". She said and hugs me warmly.
"Have more, and this🍗🍗 🍛🍛... And this too🍝🍝, I'm sure you must've missed all these dishes back there, try this one🍱🍱🍱 ... Eat so that you can be healthy, you've grown so thin". Mum insisted.
"Mum🙂🙂 enough, he might get some stomach ache if you make him overfeed". Lahad protest.
"La-had, you don't understand, it's been long since I saw my one and only son, and now I'll make sure he... ".
"I know-I know mum, but he doesn't look thin like you've said, rather he looks healthy". She said.
"So, tell me, how long have you been back?". She asked.
"I came back the previous week...I had to attend to some business related issues before coming over".
"Oh, anyways welcome back son". She says smiling happily.


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