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"Good morning Afra.... Happy new month". Di-di greeted as she extends a cup of coffee to Afra.
"Good morning, thanks for the coffee, it will really help me out with today's work load, ..... So we're finally in the last month of 2022...hmmm, that's quick.... Alhamdulilah". I replied taking the coffee.

"I know right, I'm so excited". She said as she sits down.
"Hmm calm down you've just got 24 days to Christmas". I said while cutting out some styles.
"How did you know I was thinking of Christmas?".
"Your whole facial expressions is saying can't wait for Christmas, I pray our lives don't just get extended to Christmas but also to 2023".
"A-men Afra...and I pray that everything goes well and smoothly this month".
"Good morning ma". A male dressed in white Balenciaga t-shirts and black trouser greeted as he approached the two of them.
"Good morning". I answered putting the scissors down.
"I'm Ali Ibrahim Nuhu.....  ...
... Ah.. please I'm not related to Ali Nuhu". He said and we chuckled.

"I'm your work partner Mrs. Ahmad".
"It's Miss, anyways you said work partner, what work partner are you talking about?".
"Every body gets a work partner on the ninth floor, I'm your work partner, actually I couldn't make it to work yesterday, because I had to attend to some family issues".
"Okay, Mr. Ali Nuhu who's not related to the popular Ali Nuhu". I said and he smiled.

"Umm, by the way ma, I hope you are aware that we both have an intern".
"An intern?".
"Yes, she's actually my kid sister, Sumaiya". He said and my mood immediately died down.
That's my late mum's name too
"Brother!". A young girl called as she comes there.
"Sumaiya, for the last time, while at work address me as Mr. Ali". He advised.
"Sure brother, oops, I mean umm Mis-ter Ali". She said wiggling her eyebrows while stressing Mis-ter.

"You, you were the one who gave me those bouquet of flowers the day I got you're the Sumaiya?".
"Yes ma, ya Allah, I had no idea I'll be working with you, I'm so excited ma.... I'm Sumaiya Nuhu".
"Hmmm, I'm also glad to work with both you and Mr. Ali, so without wasting much time, let's get to work".
"I'll be leaving you now".
"Okay Di-di, let's meet downstairs later".
"No probs bye... good bye Mr. Ali.... Sumaiya".
"Let me see your ideas Sumaiya".
"Your sketches, or don't you have a sketch book?".
"I do ma, here it is". She said as she fetched it out of her bag.

"Hmmm, not so bad, honestly your ideas are good, but if you're going to be working with me and your Mr. Ali, you need to try and impress us with your wildest imaginations, how about this style you've sketch, if the hands were made out of a lace material, it will be really cool, wouldn't it?". I suggested.
"Yes, I didn't even realize that".
"And the silver necklace the lady in the sketch is putting on, could be changed to a pearl necklace".
"And what if we change the flawless gown into something else, like a ball gown". Mr. Ali added.
"You have a point Mr. Ali, besides where in the festive season".

And that was how we began working together.

"Hello everyone". Mr Mashood secretary greeted as she walked into our office, trying to get everyone's attention.
"Ohh!! If it isn't Hadiza". Belinda said sounding uninterested in whatever hadiza was going to say.
"Please may I have a few minutes with you guys, there's something important I want to announce, sorry I didn't inform you all earlier".
"Go on Mrs. Hadiza".
"Seriously, she delayed in informing us about some new-wz and you're all cool with it?". Belinda asked and we all agreed.
"You're all a mess". She said slamming her hand against her table before returning to her work.

📱🎙️🔊"Good morning everyone, luckily our company has been able to partner up with the Wakil fashion enterprise and they'd promised to help us in sealing a good deal with some American designers".
We all kept quiet as we listened to Mr Mashood's voice message.

"I want to inform every head designer present now, that the American designers are in Nigeria right now, and they're considering our proposal but first they need to have some views about our ideas......So I want all head designers and they're interns to give me a good presentation about not just the styles they make but what Noor-ummeeta is".
He stops and clear his throat.
"I want to see everything you've put together on Tuesday, next week".
"That's all for now, the rest of the presentation is left to you guys, the head designers that presents the best will be accompanying Noor-ummeeta to Abuja for the meeting with the American designers".

"There you go, that's what Mr. Mashood asked me to tell you all". Mrs. Hadiza said as she puts her phone away.
"Hold on hadiza, why didn't Mr. Mashood address in person.... I mean physically?". Belinda asked folding her arms in front of her chest.
"Ah-ah, which kind question is that, didn't you hear his voice just now, what more do you want Belinda.... Abhi you want him to teleport here nhi?". One of the male head designers asked.
"Shut up jare, you shemale".
"Me, shemale Kai chucks you don suffer, At least I better pass you.... Spoilt brat".
"What did you just say?..".
"Enough Belinda, Mr. Mashood isn't on seat, I'm sure you're all aware that our boss is very busy with not just his business here but also with his other businesses around town".
"Se o ti gbo (have you heard?)". Chucks asked.
"I'll leave you all to continue with what you were doing". Hadiza said before turning to leave.
"Yes ma, thanks for the information".

"Thanks ma".

"She sent you, didn't she?......Oh!! here she comes, welcome, I hope you are now satisfied with what your intern has done..... Just look at how she has ruined the dress I was making". Belinda yelled as I walked into the office after lunch break.
"What?!  Sumaiya, you did that?". I asked facing her.
"What sort of question is that, so you're acting like you're unaware, look I now your plan, you badly want to destroy my name in this company.... ".
"Hold on a minute, what are you talking about, wallahi I have no idea... Sumaiya why did you ruin the dress she was making?".
"I wanted some glue, and it was on her table, I had no idea the glue was already open, so when I picked it up from above, it fell and now the glue is all over the dress she was making". Sumaiya explained.
"Wow!! I had no idea". Belinda mimicks her.
"Belinda, the dress you're making does not even look like a clients dress". Muneërah intervened.
"So, can't you see, it's a total waste now.... This is wasting of resources". Belinda yelled again.
"And when did you start caring about our company's resources?". Muneërah asked as she comes close to Belinda.
"And when did you start speaking for people.....Aren't you MMB type....Minding My Business?".
"Whether I choose to mind my business or not is none of your concern Belinda, what we are talking about here is the ruined dress".
"Abhi oh". Chucks exclaimed glaring at Belinda.

"Okay, how about this, we'll make up for the loss, we'll create a new dress to replace the already ruined one". I suggested.
"E don do you now?". Chucks asked and I could clearly see the rise and fall in her chest, I'm sure she's so mad at how everyone is against her.

"What are you all looking at, will you all get back to work, the show is over ok-ay". Belinda yelled angrily before storming out of the office.

"Nawa oh, nothing wey we no go see for this office". Chucks said laughing.

"Miss Ahmad, please let's ignore her". Ali advised.

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