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AFRA'S pov.

We all stopped working when Mrs. Abdulsalam walked into our office and turned to her.

"Have you all concluded on the styles to present yet?". She asked.
"Yes Mrs. Abdulsalam Actually we were all waiting for you to decide on the ones you like". Samad one of the male coworker said.
"Good, let me have a look at it, the boss is so mad now......".
"He is always angry?". Afra thought.
"Why ma'am?". Hanêêfah cuts her off.
"He ain't impressed with our work, he was able to contact a business partner, they would be here tomorrow, that's why he wants to pick a great style as a sample from our company, the thing is they are planning on showcasing our styles to some Big time investors....... ". She pause as she views the styles in the iPad.
"Whose styles are this?". She asks
as she scrolls up.
"Well all joined hands and decided to choose the best amongst all the styles we made". Hanêêfah replied.
"Who made these styles?".
"Kursum and Afra, ma'am". Atïkah answered.
"I'll be presenting these styles but, let's not keep our hopes high..... ".
"But we should still have a little hope, isn't it?". Hanêêfah asks and she nods 'Maybe'.
"I'll be right back".


The secretary arranges some business newspaper on the table in front of him and also kept some copies of leading newspaper business magazines featuring Noor-ummeeta on the cover.
He dismissed his secretary with a nod.
He then averts his gaze from the laptop, he glares at both of them then back to the laptop.
"Why I'm I not surprised to see you here Miss Ahmad". He asks as he turns the laptop's screen towards their direction.
"So you both made these designs?".
"Yes sir". They both answered in unison.

After three minutes, he looks at both of them again and says
"Have your seats".
"Thank you sir". They both said again in unison as they took their seats.

"When did you complete these styles?". He asked.
"Three days ago sir". Kursum replied.
"Have you been supplied with materials for creating the styles?".
"Yes sir, we were provided with cotton fabric as well as some satins and...".

He scoffs and she stops talking.
"Have any one of you both sewn these styles here?".He asked again.
"No sir... ". Kursum stops speaking by Na'im's hand signal✋✋.
He turns to Afra and says.
"Are you a mute?".
"Hmmm😕". Afra hmms in reply.
"I don't like repeating myself....
Are you mute?". He yells.
"No sir".
"So why aren't you answering my questions?".
"I did answer your questions sir".
"SOME... you'd only answered some of my you think I'm deaf ?".

"No sir...".
"So what do you mean by what you'd said earlier?... because your colleague here has been the only one replying". He says and kursum smirks at Afra.
"Nothing sir.... I'm so sorry". She apologizes looking down.
"When would these styles be ready? ".
"Next week Wednesday sir.. ".

"Let her talk". He says to kursum.
"So Miss Ahmad, when will your styles be ready?".
"Sir, next week Monday". She pause and says "I have more styles if you are interested in, it's the same as the ones here on your table.... ".
"You talk too much don't you?". He asks.
"Why didn't you add those styles earlier before submitting these ones?... I'm okay with this". He concluded.
"I'm so glad you love the styles sir... Thank you". Kursum says excitedly.
"I didn't say I love the styles...
These styles are barely manageable...... Let's say they are the best amongst all that were presented today".
"I want these styles ready next week may both return to your offices". He added.
"Sure... Thank you sir". They both said and began to leave.

"BARELY MANAGEABLE.. how dare he says that those styles were manageable...... Huh!! The nerve of that man... I think he needs an eye doctor". Di-di complains.
"Di-di". They all yelled at her.
"What?!! ".
"Instead of complaining that he called out styles 'barely manageable' we should be grateful that he thinks our works is good". Atïkah insisted.
"Atïkah has a point miss Di-di". Zikräh added.

"OK oh, so now that everyone's all present". Di-di says addressing everyone.
"I have great news for everyone". She added.
"So......... Yesterday......... I.... Was...... In-formed..... That.... Ummmm... Well".
"Di-di, come on tell us the news already". Afra scolds her.
"Habba!..Ina zuwa (Hey..I'm coming) let me think".
"So.... yesterday I was informed that.....Mr. Mashood's former secretary has put to bed". She announced happily.


"Wow! Alhamdulilah".

"How did you manage to keep such great news for so long". Atïkah asked happily.
"Like seriously, I've been waiting till everyone was present...She gave birth to a bouncing baby boy". She added.

"Everybody just dey born boy-boy-boy... Including me". Di-di complains as they both walked into the reception area
"But I think it was so fast, I mean she submitted her maternity leave three weeks ago right?"
"Umm yes.... But why did she give birth to a baby boy nah?". Di-di complained.

"So you wanted her to give birth to a baby girl". Afra asks trying to change the topic.
"Yes nah.. Abeg Afra... When you finally get married... I want a god-daughter okay?". She says as they walk out of the building and Afra hissed.
"So you were talking about some thing on the phone last night... I didn't understand". Di-di said and Afra stops and turned to her
"It's Baba again, Di-di".
"Wait let me think, he scolded you for declining his job offer".
"Ehhn!!! He did, but I have sorted it all out except for the fact that he.... said.. .. something...that.. ".
"Something what Afra?". Di-di asked searching for her car key in her bag.
"He's planning on getting me married soon". Afra said and Di-di's immediately fell from her hand.
"Marriage?!!! 😲😲👂👂👂".
"Mhmm, an arranged marriage".
"No offense but that's not right, he can't decide for you when it comes to your life partner AF-RA". She said stressing the word Afra.
"So what did you say?". She asked as she picks her bag from the ground.
"No-nothing, are you out of your mind? You said nothing".
"What did you want me to say, he was right, I'm ripe for marriage".
Afra said and Di-di gives her a seriously look.
"Get into the car".

"So does any of your family members know?".
"I'm afraid not".
"Ok-ay, how soon is be planning to get you married?".
"I have no idea".

"Woah!! This is getting out of hand.... Okay let me ask you, do you like the idea of your father getting you married to someone you don't know?".
"Then talk to him about it".
"Kei Di-di why are you sounding like you don't know me, wallahi I did, but he gave me a condition".
"What condition?".
"That I quit my job here and work with him at his company".
"Mad oh, which kind strict papa be this again?".
"So what are you thinking now?".
"My job here, my dreams of becoming a successful fashion designer..... I need to prove it to him that my job here isn't a waste of time".
"Good let's go with that for now".

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