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NA'IM'S pov.
It's been three minutes since the chauffeur has been horning and still yet the gate hasn't been opened by the gateman.
I'd remembered I asked the housekeeper to get this gate changed to an automatic one
One of my bodyguard came down from the car and knocks repeatedly on the gate, still yet, no response.
I was waiting impatiently for the old hag to come and open the gate when I suddenly heard a knock.
I wined down the mirror and saw Kareem standing.
"Dude, are you sure someone's still living in this building?". He asked.
"I bought this same building last month and....".
"Woah! The gate has been opened". He said as he turns back to get into his car, which was behind mine.

"Good evening sir". The gateman greeted as I came out of the car.
"Hey-hey uh, why did you take so much time to open the gate?". Kareem interrupts.
"Sorry, I was praying and already halfway through, when I heard the car horn". He explains and Kareem huffs.
"That's settled, it's no big deal".
"I'm sorry sir, I promise it won't repeat itself, I'll make sure....".
"You're fired". I announced before making my way into the mansion.
"Sir, sir, please I'm sorry". He pleading as he walks behind me.
"Na'im, dude, this ain't fair wallahi". Kareem complains.
"I'll be upstairs in my room". I said and walked away.

"Na'im dude?". Kareem called out to me as I began to descend the stairs.
"Yes, Kareem". I said as I turned to him.
"Come downstairs, we need to talk". He insists.
"There's no need, I can hear you loud and clear".
"Alhamdulilah you can hear me.....So tell me, how do you feel today after firing four people who work under you today?". He asks as he approaches me.
"Get to the point Mr Wasiu".
"What's wrong Na'im, you're so different now.... The Na'im I knew before he left the country five years ago, would never sack four of his employees in just a day".
"Well I'm so sorry to disappoint you, because I'm not that Na'im anymore". I said and he laughs

"You need to be flexible with your employees Na'im.....".
He advised.

"And who are you to tell me whether or not to be flexible with my employees?". I asked and he scoffs.

"Have you forgotten what you'd said back while we were at work? said that inside that building you were my boss and outside, we are friends, and now that we're both outside....... As your friend I'll be honest with you, you've changed a lot Na'im, you're such a NONCONFORMIST now......
Kana iya tunanin surutai kawai nake yi
amma gaskiya kawai nake yi
(You may think I'm being noisy now, but I'm just saying the truth)". He said and I folded my arms in front of my chest.

"Ban yarda da abin da kuka yi a baya
(I swear I disapprove of what you did earlier)". Kareem complains again.

"You were so.....Merciless back there, you're beginning to lack so much compassion or leniency
towards others Na'im". He added and I raised my brows at his words.
"I'm still waiting for you to get to the point Mr Wasiu". I said as I was already getting irritated by his speech.

First, you started with your secretary, because she doesn't handle your mails often, yes, that was because she is pregnant and came to work today, only to submit her maternity leave.....". He takes a pause and clears his throat.
"And your gateman... Habba Na'im, you fired him because he failed to open the gate....HE WAS PRAYING!!! Nah, who does that?😟😟".
"Are you done? ". I asked and he nods 'no'

"About..... Miss Ahmad, I need you to be honest with me, did you fire that lady because of her designs or it's because her designs are so much alike with that of HER designs".

"Kareem, I don't want to talk about HER". I warned.

"Really?!! Be honest Na'im, you very well know that she doesn't deserve to loose her job today, neither does she in the Future, you need to re-hire Miss Ahmad back, her designs are really great, they are what this company need". He advised.


"Sure, I'll just keep them away and make new designs entirely different from these ones".
"It seems like you don't understand what I'd just said... I want you to burn those sketches". I ordered.
"I'm sorry sir, but these are my hard-work, I burnt the midnight oil just to get sketch these out, sir I can't just burn them". She pleads.
"So you're telling me what to do in my company?".
"No, I'm sorry, I'm just... ".
"Get out!!".
"I said get out, I don't want to see your face tomorrow..... You're fired". I Roared.

🕌🗣️🔊 Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar.

The Adhaan brought me back from my reverie.
"What's that awful sound?". I asked Kareem and he gives me a surprised look😧😧.
"Awful!!! That's the Adhaan being called out for Isha prayer..... you've ruined my day.... Good night". He said and storms out of the living room.

"Yes, sir the investors will be there by 11:30am and the meeting will commence immediately after they arrive". My personal assistant, Akram informs me while I was eating my breakfast.
"Wa alaykum Salam kiddos, how was your night?". Kareem says on a video call as he joins us.

"Sure, I'll be back on Friday, and we will all attend jummah  service together".
"Yaay!!". I heard little voice squeals at the other end of the call.

"Yes Nadia, he's back". He said to his wife, referring to me.

"Uhh, he's so busy now..... I'll call you later Bye". He says as he ends .

"Wow!! 🥰🥰 Scrambled eggs". He says as he begins eating.

 He says as he begins eating

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"You may leave now". I said and my personal assistant leaves.
"Asalamu alaykum". He greeted.
"Was that your wife and kids on the phone?". I asked and he nods 'yes'.
"Nadia called to inform me that my mum would be coming over for a visit this know speaking of mum's, when will you go and visit your mother, I'm sure she'll be really happy to see you...".
"Meeting with the new investors at 11:30am today, I need to get ready". I interrupted him as I stood up to leave.
"Sure, but I've got to finish up this delicious breakfast, Ya bil'kis You're the best cook in the world after my wife and mum". He shouted, complimenting the chef's cooking.
"Thank you sir". She answered from the kitchen.

You're fired I think that's Na'im favorite word huh?
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The picture of the scrambled eggs above🥰🥰 looks so yummy, what do you think?

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