Chapter 1

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Camila POV

"Thank you Philadelphia! It's been real!" The lights go out and the girls and I run off stage. Today was the last day of the Reflection Tour and I miss it already. I am really going to miss the energy I felt on that stage in front of thousands of our Harmonizers.

I have silly string and cake all over me and I am sweating from head to toe. I can't wait to take a shower. I run into the dressing room.

"The crowd was on fire tonight dawgs!" Dinah exclaims. We all laugh and nod in agreement. We give a big hug to Jacob Whitesides, Mahogany Lox and Jasmine V. Tears may or may not have been present. I can't help it I am an emotional person.

We got on the tour bus and drove to the hotel. I'm excited because I can finally shower!

I'm sitting across from Lauren, and Dinah is on the side of me. Normani and Ally are in the corner taking selfies.

As always Lauren is wearing all black. That color looks so good on her. Well every color looks good on her but especially black.

I think I was daydreaming because the next thing I know Dinah elbows me "Ouch what the hell CheeChee!?!" I scream

She smiles and whispers in my ear "you were staring at Lauren again". I'm suddenly glad she elbowed me even though did she really have to be so rough about it?

Lauren was on her phone and the other two girls were still taking selfies so I'm sure no one else noticed. Or at least I hope not. I'm not ready to admit my sexuality and feelings about Lauren to anyone except Dinah.

I can barely admit it to myself.

I love the other girls and I know they wouldn't judge me. But I also know that if Lauren found out I had a crush on her everything will change.. more than it already has between us.

I remember when me and Lauren were inseparable. She always held my hand, always smiled at me, always cuddled. She was like the peanut butter to my jelly as cliche as that sounds.

Then she changed. Camren became a whole big thing and she stopped holding my hand. She stopped smiling at me. She stopped cuddling me anywhere that cameras could possibly be present.

It broke my heart and it broke our friendship somewhat too.

I try to understand where she comes from. I honestly do.. but is it really so wrong if some people think we're together? What's so wrong with if we were together?

Dinah and I have always been closest and after Lauren became distant in public, we became even closer.

I tell my Cheechee everything. That's why when I knew my feelings for Lauren were more than "just friends" I told her I like girls. Lauren in specific.

It still sounds so weird to admit...

I like girls.

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