Chapter 28

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Camila POV

The flight back to LA was sort of long because I couldn't sleep.

Today me and the girls are coming out to management and I have no clue how this is going to turn out.

Honestly, I doubt it'll go well. Management always have told me and Lauren to stop acting "gay" in public long before we were an item.

I'm terrified. I can't lose the girls. I can't lose our Harmonizers. I can't lose my career.

Being able to inspire people with my voice, it's all I ever wanted to do. Now I have that opportunity and I don't want to lose it because I'm not society's idea of normal.

But I love Lauren. I'm tired of hiding my relationship with her. We deserve more than that and so do our fans.

I look out the window and notice we're landing. I turn my head and look at a sleeping Lauren.

She's laying her head on my shoulder and she looks so damn cute.

"Laur.. babe wake up" I'll gently shake her and her beautiful green eyes flicker up at me.

"We there?" she asks. Let me just point out that her voice is naturally raspy and husky but in the morning, it's like twice the normal and it is heaven.

"Yes baby we're here" She smiles and stretches.

Her shirt rides up her stomach and I look down enjoying the view.

Camila snap out of it! You're about to come out to management and you're thinking about things you could be doing to Lauren. Snap. Out. Of. It.

I reluctantly look back up and smile at my girlfriend who has a smirk plastered on her face.

"Busted" she whispers before getting ready to leave the plane.

*Later That Day*

The girls and I have just arrived at the meeting with management. I look around the room at a bunch of people I don't know.

The only familiar person here besides the girls is Simon, which gives me some comfort that at least he's here.

Even though Ally isn't coming out, she offered to come along and I'm grateful for it.

Ally is like the mother of us all and I feel safer whenever she's around.

"Okay, let's make this meeting quick shall we? I'm sure we all have more pressing matters" One of the guys says.

He had on a black and white suit jacket and he was a little on the heavy side. He looked to be around 50.

"Kill the attitude" Simon snaps at the guy and I smile at him protecting us.

The other guy just rolled his eyes and gestured for us to talk.

"The girls and I.." Dinah begins but she's too nervous.

"Four out of five of us are lesbians. And in relationships with the other. I'm dating Camz and Normani is dating Dinah. We are tired of hiding and we are ready to come out to not only you, but everyone else" Lauren says confidently and I can't help the smile that is plastered across my face.

That's my girl.

For a minute there is silence and then the same plump guy that had the attitude stands up and throws his glass cup across the room, scaring and shocking us all.

"You fucking faggots! You are all abominations! How dare you even come in here and waste our time! You all break up right now, find GUYS and date them or this Fifth Harmony group you all love is DONE" He spits out.

Ally jumps up and starts screaming.

"How fucking dare you! Do not EVER speak to my girls like that again nor call them those derogatory names. They are people. Better people than you will ever be you arrogant little prick!" She walks across the room to him and I swear I have never seen her so angry. Every step forward she takes, he takes a step back until he's cornered. I'm scared, and not for Ally.

She's so much shorter than him, but the look on his face, he's terrified of her.

"The only difference between my girls and you, are that they have a heart. They breathe just like you breathe. They have the same bones, their heart is pumping, their blood is racing. They are fucking human beings! There is nothing wrong with the fact that they like girls. They are happy and you will not ruin that for them. If I so much as hear you utter one more word about them, lord help me I swear I will make you regret it"

"Ally that's enough" Simon gently pulls Ally away from the guy and everyone's jaw is dropped, including mine.

I never thought Ally had it in her.

The guy looks petrified.

"Now, as for you, Mr. James, you're fired. I will not have you speaking like that to these young ladies. You can easily be replaced, these girls can't. Have a nice life. You're excused" Simon professionally states and the guy looks appalled and shocked.

"This is incredulous!" He screams but Simon stands his ground.

"Leave or I will have security escort you out"

The man packs up his things and rushes out the room.

Simon looks at the other guys "Anything else any of you have to say?" He looks at the guys and they shake their heads no.

"Good. Now girls, I will set up an interview where you can come out. Any interviewer in specific?" He asks us with a smile on his face.

I'm still in absolute shock. I don't know how to handle this. Simon is okay with this?

"Wh... Why aren't you angry?" I asked him.

"I already lost one band due to this. I refuse to lose another. I made the wrong choice before, this time I won't." I know he's referring to how One Direction split up less than a year ago.

I never knew that was why? Were some of them gay and management fired them?

"I'm proud of you girls. I know that it is incredibly hard to have to deal with all of this hate. I want you to know that I will always be here and I'm sure my coworkers will as well" A young man chimes in.

He looks about 25, black hair, blue eyes, pale skin. He gives us an understanding nod and I can't help but think that maybe he's the same as us.

We nod and thank him then return our attention back to Simon.

"Can it be Ellen?" I ask hopeful. I know that she won't judge us and she will be incredibly understanding.

"Of course. I'll ask her about tomorrow" He says and just like that the meeting is over.

That couldn't have gone any better.

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