Chapter 11

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Camila POV

We're on our way to the awards when I notice Dinah's facial expression change. The normally adorable and happy face now looks hurt and pissed.

She begins typing furiously on her phone.

"Cheechee... are you okay?" I ask with caution. Never mess with that Polynesian when she's mad.


The other girls notice Dinah as she continues to angry text on her phone. After about 3 minutes of us trying to get her attention she locks her phone and smiles.

"What was that?" Normani asks Dinah, putting a hand on her thigh.

"Oh my now ex boyfriend cheated on me and let's just say I think he got the message that we're over and if I ever see him again he'll get a Poly beat down" she carelessly replies.

"What the hell!?! No one cheats on my Cheechee!" I scream. I am beyond angry!

"Chancho it's okay. The chick he cheated with isn't even cute. He lost a dime for a penny" She smirks.

I adore her confidence so much.

"Anyone who cheats on you is crazy. You're beautiful" Normani replies. Dinah and Normani's cheeks get a little flustered. What is up with these two?

"Thanks Mani" Cheechee smiles.

The rest of the ride is full of us ranting about how stupid her boyfriend is and how amazing Troy and Ally are together.

It's weird. Both Normani and Dinah broke up with their boyfriend today. At least Mani isn't the only single one anymore.

We finally arrive at the Radio Disney Music Awards.

The atmosphere here is insane! Fans all over the place. I hear so many people scream our name and I can't contain the huge smile that grows on my face because of it.

It doesn't last long though. I go to stand by Lauren and she moves over so that Normani stands between us.

Of course she was going to be distant again. I won't let this ruin my night.

We make our way inside and we're so excited.

"Cheechee I'm nervous" I whisper.

She holds my hand "It's okay Chancho. Win or lose we have harmonizers and each other so we'll still be winners"

We go on to perform in a minute. I've performed countless of times but each time I still get butterflies. Performing in front of people who can critique my every move, it's stressful.

3, 2, 1.

"Oooh I wanna dance with somebody"

*After performance*

"You girls did great"
"Wow that was amazing!"
"You girls are so talented!"

Compliments kept coming from everyone. I felt so proud of myself and my girls.

We went to join everyone in the crowd as I sat by Dinah and Lauren. They announced the award for catchiest song. We were nominated and my fingers were crossed.

"And the winner is.... Shower by Becky G!"


I clap along with the others even though I don't know the artist nor the song. I do congratulate her though I mean she did win fair and square.

After a few more performances, awards and funny moments by the host Zendaya our next category was up.

It was best music group. Honestly, I didn't really expect much. I mean we were against amazing competitors so when Fifth Harmony was called up as winner I was shocked.

I turned and saw Dinah. I laughed at her expression.

Apparently I'm not the only surprised one.

We went on stage, thanked everyone and gracefully exited.

Honestly I was mostly excited for the final award we were nominated for because it was for our harmonizers.

They are the best fans anyone can ever ask for. Always there to support us, love us and believe in us. They are so strong and beautiful.

Without them we wouldn't be here and I know I wouldn't be here. They help me in more ways than they can ever know.

Even if my harmonizers didn't win, they're still my winners. They will forever be number one in my heart. I'll love them forever.

It's time!!

And the winner for fiercest fans are..... FIFTH HARMONY AND THEIR HARMONIZERS!!!"


I jumped up and we all went to get the award and thank our beautiful harmonizers. They are bo$$es and they are soooo worth it.

It makes me so happy when people notice and acknowledge how special, loving and dedicated our Harmonizers are.

They are so many things. Smart. Passionate. Loving. Witty. Hilarious. Strong. Kind. Sassy. Unique.

They each have a different and inspiring story to tell. They have so much going for them and they make me the happiest girl in the world. Knowing I have that kind of love and support, it's the best feeling ever.

After we win the award we go backstage and some guy approaches me.

"Hey Camilla. My name is Austin, I'm a huge fan and i think you look absolutely beautiful. Maybe I can take you out sometime?"

"First, it's Camila, like CAMEELA and if you were a fan you would know. Secondly, you aren't my type. Sorry"

He takes a step towards me. "Oh baby I'm everyone's type" He sounds so cocky and full of himself it's repulsive.

"Don't call me baby ever again"

"Okay CAMEELA" He says emphasizing the sound of my name. "Don't play so hard to get I know you want me" He tries to take another step closer and I quickly back away.

"Look I know guys like you. You're a fuckboy and I'm not into that. I wouldn't date you if you were the last person on earth. You're arrogant and cocky and it's disgusting honestly. So bye" I roll my eyes and walk away.

It's kind of funny... he looks like a Dorito. I shall call him Dorito Boy.

I turn my head and see Dorito boy walk up to a different girl. I think her name was Becky something. I guess he found his next victim.

"What did he want?" Lauren asks nervously.
"Nothing to worry about babe."

"Did he like ask you out?" jealously clear in her voice.

"Baby, it doesn't matter. I don't want him. I only want you. I'll always only want you".

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