Chapter 22

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Lauren POV

We arrive at the hotel a little late. I'm super exhausted. All I want to do is fall asleep with Camz in my arms.

It seems to be the only way I can sleep now.

We walk up to the counter of the hotel to get our rooms.

"I'm sorry we are packed today, we only have two rooms available" The guy working at the front says with an apologetic look.

"It's okay we'll take the two" Ally smiles reassuringly at the young man.

He hands us the keys and we proceed to the floor that our rooms are on.

"So Camz and I get the room to ourselves, Normani, Dinah and Ally you share" I say.

"No way!" Dinah interjects and I smirk knowing that she's thinking the same thing I am.

Whoever shares the room with Ally can't have sex.

"I agree with Lauren. We should get the single room" Camz jumps in.

"No! You had sex on the plane okay? You can handle not having any sex for a while until Ally gets her own room" Normani says.

"Oh my god you horny freaking lesbians. Are all lesbians this horny? I don't care who's rooming with me but you have to keep your hands to yourself. I don't want to wake up the sounds of y'all moaning and what not" Ally said strictly.

I can't help but laugh. "Horny freaking lesbians?" I ask laughing harder.

Dinah rolls her eyes "Fine we'll room with Ally"

Normani hits her arm. "Now you definitely aren't getting laid Hansen" she huffs and Dinah pouts.

"Wow guys don't be so eager to room with me" Ally pretends to be hurt and cries.

"Aww Allycat you know we love you" Camz kisses her head and hugs her tight.

We all join in on the hug and it seems to last for a long time even though it was probably only a few seconds.

I didn't want to let go. These girls are my life. All of them.

They're the best friends anyone can ask for. Always there when you need someone.

I feel like often people lose sight of how lucky they are. They take people for granted.
These four girls that are with me, I wouldn't trade them for anyone in the world.

Honestly, I wouldn't be who I am today without them. They each teach me different things and make me a better person.

I remember when I originally got eliminated off The X-Factor and I thought to myself this is the end. You weren't good enough and you never will be. Just let go of your dream.

Now I know that I couldn't possibly have been more wrong. That was just the beginning.

Sorry I get deep sometimes. Just ask Camila ;)

Me and Camz go to the room and get dressed into our pajamas. I lay in bed and she crawls on top of me laying her head in my chest.

"I'm sleepy" she whispers and I rub her back.

"Go to sleep baby" I kiss the top of her head.

"I love you Lauren"

"I love you too Camz. Forever and Always"

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