Chapter 29

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Lauren POV

(A/N For the interview I'll be using letters when someone speaks because it's easier. Obvi E stands for Ellen, C for Camila, L for Lauren, you catch my drift right?)

Today's the day! We're coming out!

I couldn't be more happier than I am at this moment.

I can now walk down the block and hold Camila's hand. I can kiss her whenever I wanted to. I can post cute selfies of us and I can post cute tweets about how much I love her.

I can finally be open with our Harmonizers. I hated having to keep a secret from them.

"Okay you're on in five" The lady backstage says and I see Camz pacing back and forth.

"Cutie come here" I call out and she looks up and smiles. She walks over to me and I wrap my arms around her waist.

"You know that this is all going to be okay right?"

"Yes but babe this is Ellen! What if she doesn't like me? What if I fangirl and end up fainting?" I can't help but laugh.

That is not why I thought she was pacing but okay.

"Haha baby she'll love you just like I do"

"Okay you're on let's go" The producer lady says again and this time we all get up and go.

We walk out on stage and now I'm feeling a little nervous.

"Five girls, Millions of fans, One band, welcome Fifth Harmony!" The crowd erupts into cheers and I wave at all the cuties screaming our names.

After we sit down and the crowd calms down a little Ellen greets us and begins the interview.

E- So how are you girls doing today?

A- We're great!

C- I'm nervous!

I laughed at Camz because she didn't seem like she meant to actual admit to being nervous.

E- Why are you nervous?

C- Because you're like two feet away from me this is so cool! I'm gonna pry!"

Everyone laughs at Camz. She is the cutest when she fangirl.

E- Aww don't cry. If anyone should cry it's me. I mean, you girls are the one and only Fifth Harmony!

Camz smiles big and the crowd cheers.

E- So I have to know, who here is in a relationship?

All five of us raise our hands and the crowd cheers again.

E- Wow so not one of you are single? Sorry ladies and gentlemen, your dreams are as of now crushed.

The crowd playfully boos and we all feign hurt.

E- Okay, so can we know anything about these guys you're in a relationship with?

A- Well, I'm still with my boyfriend Troy. He's amazing, I really miss him.

I smirk knowing that I planned for Troy to fly out tomorrow for Ally to show her how much we appreciate her accepting and protecting us.

E- Okay what about you girls?

C- Actually, I'm not with a guy... I'm with a girl.

The whole crowd, including Ellen gasp.

Camila points to me.

C- This girl actually.

Just like that the whole crowd screams. I've never heard someone scream so loud and I can't stop the smile that spreads across my face.

E- So after years of shipping, this is finally real?

L- Yes it is and I can't be any more happier than at this moment.

I take hold of Camila's hand and gently squeeze it.

E- Things can not get more interesting than they are right now.

N- Actually...

Normani smirks and grabs hold of Dinah's hand.

D- Camren isn't the only Fifth Harmony couple.

Once again the crowd screams, I think I might actually go deaf.

E- Oh my gosh is this real?

N- It definitely is.

E- This is amazing! So four out of five of you are gay? This is my kind of band! Where can I join?

Again, everyone erupts into laughter and screams.

C- We would love to have you!

E- Ally I must ask you, how does it feel being surrounded by so many lesbians?

A- *chuckles* It's great honestly. They're so happy I love it. Sometimes I feel like a fifth wheel but they know how to make me feel a lot better. I love these girls.

All- Aww we love you too Allycat!

E- So when did all of this happen?

C- After the Reflection Tour.

E- Speaking of the Reflection Tour, there's a summer tour coming out right?

D- Yes it's going to be amazing so make sure you get your tickets. We start in two days!

N- It's going to be very different from the first tour and we have some amazing people that will be opening for us.

E- That's great! I'm so glad you were able to come today, this was definitely my favorite interview of all time. You ladies are always welcomed back and congratulations on the relationships. As a team girls, I know this wasn't easy and I'm proud of you all. Don't forget, buy tickets to the Reflection Summer Tour, goodbye and thank you for watching!

Just like that, it's over.

We're officially out.

We did it.

One chapter left lovelies. Working on a new fanfic though so follow me and stay updated :)

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