Chapter 6

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Lauren POV

I can’t believe I freaking kissed her last night. Worse than that, I enjoyed it. A lot. But I can’t be gay. I am not gay.

We all walked outside to get into the car. I was wearing my black beanie, a white crop top with a black jacket and black ripped jeans.

I look over at Camila and my jaw dropped. Luckily I fixed it before anyone noticed. She was wearing a peach jacket with a white shirt under, both of which stopped right above her bellybutton and this black and white striped skirt. It really complimented her ass.. I mean... whatever.

On the ride to the interview I sat as far away from Camila as I could. I can see the hurt in her eyes but I pretended not to notice.

I put my headphones in my ear and ignored everyone and everything until we were there.

Once out I see Camila’s face and I could tell she’s been crying.

Way to go Jauregui. You made her cry.

I sigh and keep walking. For the interview they made Camila and I sit close together.


They asked us questions about our music, our fans, our plans and hopes for the future.

“So… I think the fellas want to know.. who's single?"

Camila and I raise our hands.

I know exactly what people are going to assume when they watch this interview so I try to clarify.

"Please don't make assumptions." I say. I turn and see that Camila nodded her head slightly in agreement.

"We're separately single" I continue. "very separately single"

Camila smiles. I can see right through her and I know that it’s fake.

As soon as the interview is over I see Camila run to the car and Dinah followed. What is going on between them and why am I jealous?

Camila POV

“She pretended like nothing happened! Like I mean nothing to her! She was my first kiss and she probably regrets it” I cry into Dinah’s shoulder. She plays in my hair and rubs my back as she holds me because she knows it calms me down.

“I’m sure she has a reason. Just talk to her okay?”

“No… please make Normani switch rooms with me please? I can’t room with her again. Please Cheechee… please?” I beg.

“Okay… I’ll talk to Mani but you can’t avoid her forever.”

I sigh. I know she’s right but I don’t have the confidence to face her right now. Just then the door opens and Lauren looks at me with a sad smile. I just turn away.

I don't want her knowing how much it hurts that she's acting like nothing happened.

The ride was long, quiet and awkward. Once we got in I quickly walked to the room, grabbed some of my clothes and walked out leaving Lauren staring at me with her mouth open.

“Camz?” She tries calling after me but I will not let her have this power over me. I’m not a toy she can play with and throw away when she gets bored.

I walk into Dinah’s room and Normani gives me a worried look but she has some clothes in her hand. She doesn’t say anything to me she just gives me a hug and walks out.

I guess Dinah told her not to ask. But I know how close Lauren and Normani are to each other. If Lauren isn’t too disgusted that she kissed me… and yes I’m reiterating the fact that SHE kissed ME, it's not like I initiated it or forced her to, then she’ll tell her.

It just hurts to feel continuously rejected and not even have an explanation. I swear sometimes I really hate Lauren but I hate her even more because I love her so much, does that make sense?

I text Ally and ask her to come share the room with Dinah and I. Since she’s the oldest she normally gets her own room but I need my Allycat.

No matter how sad I am, Ally always cheers me up. I am pretty sure she is made out of rainbows and sunshines. It is impossible to be sad around her.

Hey cuties don't forget to vote, comment and stay amazing! I love you guys loads.

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