Chapter 20

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Lauren POV

This week with the girls has been incredible. We really got to bond again. It's been so busy and stressful with the tour and promotion we lost sight of the friendship we share.

This vacation, when it was only us, we got to know more about each other. Some more than others if you know what I mean. *wink wink*

Today we have to go back to LA and I must confess, it's bitter sweet. I'm excited to get back with fans and our career but I'm sad that this is over.

It was like a little paradise for us.

"Baby can you pack my bag for me?" I hear Camz call out from her shower.

She wouldn't let me join her. Tease.

"Yeah sure princess" I call back and begin to pack for her.

If she were to pack herself, it would never get done.

After about fifteen minutes Camila comes out dressed in my hoodie and some blue jeans.

She looks good in my clothes. Like really good.

"Hey beautiful" She comes over and pecks my lips.

"Hey how was your shower?"

"Wet" she replies with a wink.

"Yeah? I bet I could've made you wetter" I smirk causing her to blush.

"Whatever" she chokes out.

"You weren't saying whatever last night" I take a step closer to her, trapping her against me and the wall.

"If I recall correctly, which I do, neither were you. It was more like 'yes Camz harder!' right?" She smirks and my cheeks begin to heat up.

She grabs my waist pulling me into her. My hips pin up against hers and I can't help but lose my breath a little.

"Camren! Norminah! Hurry the hell up!" Ally screams.

I laugh at the new names. She never calls us by our actual name because she says this is easier. I'm not complaining though.

"Ally really does have the worst timing" I breathe out an annoyed sigh and let go of Camila to grab our bags.

"I can carry my own bag you know?" Camz tries to grab her bag.

"I know you can but I wanna do it so don't argue" I peck her lips.

"Aww boyfriend Lauren you're so cute" she squeezes my cheeks and I can't help but blush at the skin touch.

When she pulls away I make a slight pout at the disconnection.

After we pack our bags in the car we drive to the airport. Camila fell asleep on Dinah resting her head on Dinah's shoulders. I can't help but get a little jealous.

"Why is your girlfriend sleeping on mine?" Normani asks me.

"I have no clue. I'm jealous" I pout.

"Guys leave my Chancho alone. She's so adorable when she sleeps" Dinah pats her head softly.

"Hands off my girl" I feign anger and Dinah laughs.

"Don't worry the only girl I want to put my hands on, or in, is Normani" Dinah winks and Normani playfully hits her shoulder waking up Camz in the process.

"We there yet?" She asks as she rubs her eyes and yawns.

Damn this girl is too cute for me.

"Almost baby" I pull her close to me and she nestles her head into my neck and kisses it softly. "I'm gonna sleep again" she yawns and just like that, she's asleep.

Do you ever look at someone and just think about how much you love them? Like you feel incredibly lucky that they're yours. They could be doing anything. Sleeping, singing, eating, dancing adorable moves, watching horrible movies, and you look at them and just think..

Damn. I really love you.

That's me. Looking at Camz I see my future. I see the girl I want to marry one day.

I don't care what we're doing as long as I'm with her, I'm happy.

She's the best part of my day.

She's the first person I think about when I wake up, and my last thought before I sleep.

I'd do anything for this girl.

When she's happy I'm happy, when she's sad I'm sad, when she's mad I'm mad.

I looked down at Camila sleeping. Her breathing even, her mouth slightly open, soft snores coming out. Her brunette hair falls down her beautiful tan skin.

Camz I am so in love with you.

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