Chapter 3

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Lauren POV

All the girls decided to go shopping then out for lunch afterwards. While we're shopping I notice Camz keeps on stealing glances at me. She's been acting a little weird lately... I wonder what's going on with her. She looks really beautiful today. She's wearing high waisted jeans, a crop top and my snap back.

I normally do not let people share my clothes or anything but she's my Camz so she's an exception. She's one of my best friends.

As we're walking out the store a few fans run up to us. I have a huge smile on my face. I absolutely love our Harmonizers.

Me and Camila were standing next to each other and a fan screamed "Camren is real!"

I rolled my eyes, I just hope she didn't notice. I put a smile on my face, took pictures and walked off.

I don't know what the obsession about Camren is for. Camren doesn't exist. Camz is just a friend. That's all she will ever be and plus we are both straight.

"Lauren are you okay?" I look over and see Camz staring at me with those big brown eyes. I can't help but to smile. "Yeah, I'm good".

We decide on going out to a nice restaurant for lunch.

We all gossiped on hot guys and Ally, Normani and Dinah's boyfriend. Normani was talking about how she was tired of her relationship with her boyfriend and how he didn't treat her how he used to. To be honest he's a bit of a fuckboy and I think she deserves better.

I looked over to Camila who was playing with her food. I placed my hand on hers causing her to jump a little "Camz are you okay?"

She looks up "Oh yeah. I just don't feel too good is all"

Dinah looked at her a little worried but shook it off.

"What's wrong?" I ask genuinely concerned.

"Belly ache" she lies. I know she's lying but whatever it is she obviously isn't up for talking about it and I'm not going to push her on it.

We drove back to the hotel and me and Camz were sharing a room. I took a shower and laid in bed as Camila went to take a shower.

I began to go on tumblr to pass time.

I hear the bathroom door open and I assume Camila is out the shower. She walked back into the room in just a towel... still wet.

I couldn't help but stare. I'm not gay or anything though. Girls could stare at each other without it being gay right?

Camila noticed and my cheeks got red.

"Sorry I forgot my clothes in here" She mumbled. She quickly grabbed her clothes and went into the bathroom.

Great Lauren you creeped her out. She probably thinks you're gay now. Which you aren't...

I wanted to clarify that to her but what was I supposed to say? I had no excuse for staring at her except that she looked great in nothing but a towel.

But that's not exactly something you say to one of your best friends.

I just turn my light off and pretend to be asleep. No sense in having an awkward conversation about this when she'll probably forget it by the morning.

I go to turn my phone off but stop when I see a gif on tumblr. It's of Camila and I looking at each other and it's caption is "We looked at each other a little too long to be just friends".

I never noticed the way we looked at each other but apparently the rest of the world did.

Hey babies. Thanks for reading please vote and leave a comment. Love you!

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