Chapter 19

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Lauren POV

I wake up to the smell of food and Camila laying her head on my bare chest.

"Camz, baby wake up" I kiss her head.

She stirs slightly but doesn't wake up.

I cup her face and kiss her on the lips earning a small moan from my now awoke girlfriend.

"I like waking up that way" She says. Her voice is so raspy and hot.

"There's food downstairs" I whisper knowing she'll run down, probably forgetting to put on clothes. To my surprise she doesn't move.

"But your boobies are so comfy" she whines and holds on to me tighter.

I laugh "Thanks? But I want food so get your hot ass up"

She pouts but gets up and tosses me a T-shirt and sweats as she puts on the same thing.

"You owe me a piggyback ride for making me move" She insists.

She's so cute. How could I refuse?

"Hop on cutie" I tell her and she smiles that beautiful face eating grin before jumping on my back.

I place my hands on her thighs and walk us downstairs.

Ally is sitting beside Troy and Normani beside Dinah.

Camz told me what she thought happened between the two and looking at the hickeys on their neck, I don't disagree.

Norminah is definitely real. Or at least it was yesterday.

I sit on the seat across from Normani and smirk. "Hey Mani nice hickey"

"What? I don't have a hickey. It's a rash." She says effortlessly and if I didn't know any better I may have believed her.

Camz sits beside me and hands me a plate of food.

"Aww baby you actually made me a plate? That's so sweet" I kiss her cheek and she just smiles then begins devouring her food.

That's my girl.

"So anyway, did you and Dinah just so happen to get the same rash?" I question knowingly.

"It makes sense. We were in the same room" she shrugs as she takes a bite of food.

Damn she's good at lying.

"Did you sleep well?" Ally smirks.

"Yeah I slept better than ever before" Normani smiles at Dinah who blushes a little.

"Okay we know you had sex just admit it. Please Cheechee" I look over at Camila who is pouting.

It is impossible to say no to a pouting Camila.

"Guys this isn't fair. Leave the girls alone" Troy chuckles.

"Thank you!" Dinah replies grateful.

"Fine. But only for now" Ally says.

I place my hand on Camila's thigh as all the girls converse.

We talk about any and everything. Well, except for Norminah sex.

After breakfast, Dinah clears the table for us and Normani helps.

Honestly, they would make a really cute couple.

I walk into the kitchen to get water when I hear them whispering.

"We should just tell them, they already know. Plus I hate keeping secrets, did you see Camila's pout?" I hear Dinah whisper to Normani.

"If that's what you want beautiful" Normani replied and I couldn't help but gush.

"Too fucking cute" I walk in and grab a bottle of water from the fridge.

"Stop eavesdropping creep" Normani laughs and wraps her arms around Dinah's waist.

"So is this a thing?" I ask genuinely interested.

"Is it?" Dinah asks Normani.

"Do you want it to be?" she counters.

Just before Dinah could answer Camila runs in with Ally.

"Guys shh you're ruining the Norminah scene" I whisper at the girls but loud enough for Normani and Dinah to hear.

"Oh.. continue" Camila looks at her two friends with hopeful eyes.

I know she's hoping they get together just as much as I do. I know that neither of them will hurt the other.

"I would be willing to give it a try" Dinah answers and we all cheer.

Normani plants a chaste kiss on her lips and smiles. "So, girlfriend?"

"Girlfriend" Dinah beams.

Camila pats Ally's back. "It's okay Ally. You can join me and Lauren if you want"

"Noooooooooo what? No she has Troy and I'm not sharing you with anyone" I quickly reply.

"Oh Lauren you know you want me" Ally laughs.

"In your wildest dreams. Plus if I had a threesome it would be with Normani"

Normani's mouth drops open and Camila stares at me with those big brown eyes.

"What? Have you seen her dance? Dinah's lucky I bet Normani is great in bed" I defend myself and Dinah agrees.

"No wait I would be in this threesome and I say Dinah would be better. I mean she seems like she's great look at those fingers. I bet there's a reason that Normani's nickname is moaney. Cause when she's with Dinah... you know where I'm going with this. Dinah would definitely be better" Camila says with a smirk.

"Guys we are right here" Normani says as Dinah chokes on the water she's drinking.

"I'm just saying Normani is definitely the top in the relationship" I continue trying to get my point across.

"Hey! Not true!" Dinah pouts and I see Normani staring at her with a huge smile on her face. They already look like love birds and they just started dating.

"So you like tops huh?" Camz asks making me speechless.

All the girls begin to laugh at me including Camz.

"I'm just saying you were totally loving being the top yesterday" She continues teasing.

"Okay guys that's enough! My ears can't take anymore" Ally covers her ears innocently, even though we all know she isn't innocent.

"Maybe we should re-name the group Fifth Homony now" Camila jokes.

"No! Fourth Homony and One Heterony because I'm straight." Ally chimes in.

"You never know I thought I was straight too" Dinah mentions.

"Me too" I add.

"Same" Mani joins in.

We all look at Camz.

"Hey don't look at me. I always knew I was gay. Straight from the womb. Or should I say gay from the womb? I was gay straight out the vajayjay" She laughs hard causing us to laugh.

She's not always funny but because her jokes are normally stupid it makes it funny.

I look around the room with a big smile on my face. I'm just enjoying the time I get to spend with my girls.

I can't imagine my life without these four losers.

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